Apr 29, 2016

Wards and barriers

     "You shall not pass!!!"  
     That’s what Gandalf said, then he drove the bottom end of his staff into the narrow rock bridge in the cave, and prevented some kind of ancient, fire demon from following and killing the members of the fellowship of the ring, in the Lord of the Rings movie.

     He literarily prevented that demon from proceeding, he blocked his path. He cast what we would describe as a ward, in magick. He broke off the rock bridge and plummeted alongside the demon in the precipice too, but that’s beside the point lol.

     So can one magicakally prevent one from entering a specific place, most notably and most often this place being one’s home? The answer is absolutely. All sort of traditions and magickal paths have their ways of doing this and we shall discuss a few in today’s post.
A Witch's knot charm/symbol/ward

     A very informative and trustworthy site on Wiccan and Celtic magick defines ward as a shield anchored to a physical place.  [1] Furthermore, it’s stated that unlike the shield, the ward is powered by the Earth, and its energy rises from it, as it were, and I find all that to be pretty illustrative of a typical ward. A different article, though describes it as a “psychokinetic shield” that deflects energy. [2] I have two issues with that; if it was psychokinetic it would deflect more than just energy, it’d deflect matter as well, and a ward does not just deflect energy anyway. It can turn away people, or animals, or spirits too.

     A protective magick circle, as used in Ceremonial magick is yet another example of a magickal ward. So it’s indeed a form of shield “anchored” to earth, or even emanating from the Earth, and a magickal boundary set to keep something out. Behind the yellow line, sort of say.

     Clearly, the best time for setting up magickal wards are days and hours of Saturn, a planet ruling boundaries (setting or breaking and transcending the same)  and mystery, or wondrous works, among other. Materia magicka correspondent to the planet is thus also used commonly for setting up the magickal wards.

      It’s also important to notice the selective nature of the wards; they are set up with an intention to keep something specific out, not just pretty much anything, which means, if you cast a protection spell to keep people with specific type of intentions or aims outside of your home, such will be repelled, but it won’t stop other people from coming around. This is quite useful, and is sometimes even cunningly used to test someone’s true intentions and to tell apart friendly people from the “snakes in the grass”. Now let’s proceed with few examples, meant to keep evil people, spirits and similar out of someone’s home.

     Traditional Balkan witchery spell for keeping evil people away
     Get a new, unused knife, preferably one with the black handle. During the waning phase of the Moon, bring some water to the boil and add some red chili peppers, and salt in it. Dip the knife in it three times, saying something along these lines:

As the Moon wanes, and as this blade cuts,
So will you N.N. stay away, and be cut away
From this home, and this place
And will not enter this dwelling. Amen

     Place it on a napkin or a paper towel and allow it to air dry. When it does, find a way to hide it somewhere around your front door doorstep ( or if it’s a specific room, in front of these room’s doors ), pointing outwards and normal ( under 90’ angle ) to the door’s plane. You can for example place it under the rug or doormat etc. Next to it, or somewhere on the doorframe also place a sprig of Basil, wrapped around the base with a red yarn or thread. Most people like to hang this little sprig just above the doors.
     The person who you don’t wish to enter your home, should not be able to, after you’ve done this.

Herbal wards

     Many herbs, when placed in jars, vials, or hung about the place are effective wards against bad people and evil spirits.

     Dill for example, when hung above the doors, with the clear intention to do so, is said to keep both bad people and evil spirits away from your premises.

     Similarly, St. John’s wort, picked on Midsummer, is widely believed to bar the entrance to a home, or a room, to even powerful evil spirits and demons.

     Fennel, a “cousin” to the Dill, was once placed in keyholes to keep the Ghosts out, and nowadays an infusion or a floorwash is used to keep the intruders out. [3]

     Hawthorn branches in front of doors and windows of the home, were used in Balkans to prevent a vampire from entering given home. [4]

     Major Celandine keeps the law away from your property, and when used properly will make police evade your place in a wide circle. Elderberry flowers and boughs can also do the same.

     A friend of mine told me that If I want to stop someone from coming around, or entering my home all I need to do is place a personal concern of theirs, or a name paper lacking the previous, in a small vial along with Black seeds, Red Onion peels and Rose thorns, and fix this to my front doors. She said: “Even if they come around, they won’t go pass the doors, in fact they’ll soon leave, probably complaining about some feeling of unease”. I tried this one, and it worked wonders when I did.

Hoodoo’s Red Brick

     One of the most powerful wards against  bad people, or people who wish you ill is the Hoodoo trick with the red brick dust,  popularly referred to as the “reddening” . It’s tad more elaborate then what you’ll commonly be advised; which is to just sprinkle the dust in front of your doors, but when done properly it works wonders.

     The place that one intends to protect should be thoroughly cleansed spiritually beforehand, and in Hoodoo this is usually done with a floorwash containing powerful cleansing and protective ingredients. This part of the ritual is according the tradition done a little before sunrise, and without uttering a single word.

     A good, traditional floorwash that can be used here is made by combining:  Household Ammonia, Saltpeter, and Epsom salts in a wash, but the most traditional wash used is actually one’s own first morning urine, dissolved in some water. [5] This makes sense being that the Household Ammonia is often used as the replacement for the urine in Hoodoo formulas and tricks.

     Some Hoodoo authorities suggest this should be done on specific days; namely: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. [6]

     Having done that, one proceeds to lay a line in front of their doors, with the red brick dust powder. You can conceal the line later with, let’s say a doormat, but this is not necessary and  more often than not, not done.

Icelandic “Hurðstoðva” ward, to prevent a specific person from entering your home
     The following spell makes use of a specific “galdrastafir” , an Icelandic written charm/sigil, which is etched into Rowan wood, or wand, and then one is to walk thrice around their home with it clockwise, and three more times in the opposite direction, wraps the wand with some thistle leaves, and then places it above the doors. This is said to prevent the person from entering your home. I know very little of trolldom, but during the walking part I’d use some words of power which mention the name of person in question to focus the spell/ward, and attune it to their energy. Or place it alongside their name paper, photo, or some bodily concern.

      The original instructions are as follow:

     “Hurðstoðva - Doorstopper. A galdrastafir to hinder someone from entering your house. If there's a person you do not want to enter your home, edge this stafir into a rowan-wand. Do this as the sun is on her highest, and proceed to walk sunward around your house tree times, followed by tree times withershins, while holding the wand in which you are laying the spell. To prime the spell, bind the wand in thistle leaves, and place it above your door.” [7]

     Some wards to keep the evil spirits outside

     Some evil spirits more than others, are bent on gaining entrance to your home and wreaking havoc in it. The wards used to keep them out may vary slightly depending on a specific spirit, but are often in form of charms, herbs or written inscriptions. Following are some examples of such:

·         St John’s wort, particularly that plucked on the Midsummer, in noon, placed in a jar and then hung by the door or windows will ward off evil spirits. I usually read the Psalm 90th over such charm.
·         Two Hawthorn branches, placed and tied one over another so that they form a Cross, and secured with a piece of natural, red yarn which was soaked in Holy water from the church, shall prevent all sort of malignant spirits gaining entrance to a dwelling, if it’s hung by the door lintel, or secured above the doors. It can similarly be placed above one’s bed, besides it or carried on person ( a small charm ) to protect from all sort of disembodied spirits and even the malevolent fairies.
·         Alder is said to ward the “unseen” threats, including evil spirits. A piece of wood can be carried in a charm bag for example
·         A witches knot charm, carved into doors, windows, or written on paper, preferably in Dragon’s blood magickal ink, will keep the evil spirits, hags and curses at bay ( see the image at the beginning of the post )
·         Charms carved from the Jasper stones are hung by the door to repel ghosts and evil spirits, particularly the evil trickster sprits. In China, these charms often take  the form of a dragon
·         Bloodstone is carried as a pendant, or in a charm bag to keep away evil spirits and demons and prevent them from affecting on
·         Salt is a powerful ward for all sort of ills, including the evil spirits, and salt circle is a brilliant example of such. Read Psalms 29th, 40th and 90th over some salt and then sprinkle it around your home, or object or person you wish to protect in a clockwise circle. Similarly, praying the 18th Psalm over salt makes it a good ward against the robbers and thieves.

NOTE: This article was written and composed by myself, hence If you wish to use any parts of elsewhere online, add the credits; Shadow of the Shadows magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a direct link to this post


[4] Jasna Jojic Pavlovski “Magija Biljaka”
[6] Acc. to; same as under [5]
[7] Retrieved from:  http://seidr.hekse.dk/#post6   and used here for explanatory and  educational purposes without ill will

IMAGE CREDITS: The Witch’s knot picture  is from http://www.examiner.com/article/the-witch-s-knot and digitally edited by myself,  used here for illustrative and explanatory purpose without any ill
The “Hurðstoðva”  galdristafir image was drawn and edited by myself 

Apr 28, 2016

The magick of spring flowers

NOTE: My apologies. This post was due for the early March but sadly I was very busy ... so here it's now, hope it still comes handy

     The springtime is practically at the doors already. We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately, here in the Eastern Europe, Mediterranean part, where I am in particular, and those days a week when we’ve been blessed with a clear sun spell, one could see all these beautiful, ephemeral wildflowers, the harbingers of spring.

     Beautiful to the eye to many surely, but some people know there is more to these little members of plant’s kingdom than what meets the eye. Which people one may wonder? Witch people indeed ;)  You see, most of the spring flowers have some use in magick and divination, some are of particular utility, and rarity, and are pretty much available for a very short period of time, If You are the one to collect your own magickal herbs. And why shouldn’t you be? It deepens your connection to the nature, plants and spirits associated with these, it’s a good discipline exercise, and lends additional power to your works of magickal herbalism. And saves you some money for those herbs that you cannot find near you, those exotic and/or rare ones.

     The ephemeral spring flowers are often small, colorful and often enticingly pungent, because these plants finish their lifecycle for a few months tops, and require to draw attention of the pollinators, least they pollinate via anemophily . They are sort of “pioneers” during the spring, when it comes to plants that appear, especially among the angiosperms ( Magnoliophyta ), and appear before the other plants that await for more consistent, stable conditions. So they embody the principle of action and bravery quite finely, and are in general symbolic of awakening of the nature, hope and resilience. They are omens of the arrival of the “light half of the year” and happier, leisure times, which come as a proper blessing after the long, dark, introspective period that winter can be.

     Hence I decided to write a little piece, hopefully a practical one too, on how to make a best magickal use of some spring flowers, timely. I will be discussing those that are either found commonly throughout the Europe as autochthonic flora elements, or those with a cosmopolite distribution, as it would take more time and a lot more space to go into more detailed lists of species and their usage. So the common, available ones, you probably have growing in your own yard, or that park nearby, and those you might have passed by without as much as a second glance many times by now.

     So without any further ado, let start.

Daisy ( Bellis perennis )

     A common little flower from the Asteraceae family, also known as “English Daisy”, “Common Daisy” or “Lawn daisy” , with two type of lowers in its inflorescence ( pesudanthium, composite flower head ); the white, marginal male flowers, and the yellow, centrally positioned female flowers.

     It’s a common, worldwide spread custom to pick the white flowers to determine if a lover loves you or not. It’s a “Loves me, loves me not” type of divination, where the answer which appears when the last white flower is plucked from a given flower-held is held to be the truth.

     It’s a Venus and water correspondent plant, and sleeping with it’s roots ( or a whole ) plant under pillow is said to bring an estranged lover back.

     It’s “relative” Ox eye Daisy ( Leucanthemum vulgare ), which is sometimes  confused with the Common Daisy, is said to give extra power to the spells.

Buttercup ( Rannunculus arvensis, R. ficaria, R.spp )

     Buttercups are plants from the Rannunculaceae family, and of the genus Ranunculus. These are commonly used in a folk divination, where they are placed bellow one’s chin, a freshly plucked yellow flowered specimen, that is, and observed/gazed. One watches the petals and if they see a reflection of their chin or face in them, their lover is madly infatuated with them. People also gaze into the yellow petals of the flower to get a glimpse of how their “true love” looks like.

Violet ( Viola odorata )

     This rather well-known, beautiful zygomorphic flower, with purple ( or very rarely white ) petals, has a beautiful, sweet, intoxicating perfume.
     But this perfume, as well as the plant are quite repellent to the evil spirits. The flowers protect from the wicked spirits, and the leafs were worn in a green sachet to help cure wounds, and prevent evil spirits from making them worse [1] It’s used in Hoodoo and Santeria bath formulas that serve to repel evil ghosts and stop them from influencing someone.
     Hoodoo people also wear a Violet leaf in their shoe for seven days to help them find a new lover, because it’s auspiciously shaped like a heart. [2]

      Violet flowers are ingredient in the Obitsu Hoodoo powder, a powder used to uncross someone, while also protecting them from harmful magick, particularly   those type of spells done with the help of evil spirits. The formula is as follows:

Obitsu powder

Combine and pulverize

·         *  Jasmine flowers
·         *  Violet flowers
·         *  Lemongrass or Citronella

Herb Robert ( Geranium robertianum )

     The plant known as Herb Robert ( Geranium robertianum ),  from the Geraniaceae family is a common pioneer species on devastated lands, especially those forest habitats “cleared” by the fires. This it represents hopes and new beginnings, but also healing. It’s a herb that is in Traditional Balkan witchery believed to be able to bestow health upon the sick, and magickally help curing any kind of illness. It was often placed in a pan with spring water for this purpose and left outside, on the night of the full Moon, to “absorb” the energy of Moon and stars. In the morning the resulting liquid was used to wash the patient’s hear of afflicted body parts, or used in healing ritual.

     Leaves crushed, and bruised onto skin will repel mosquitos, although will also leave one with a bit of an odor. To some unpleasant (reminiscent of burning tires) yet to others perfume like, smelling kind of like roses. You can carry some in a blue sachet bag, along with Rose hips, and Anemone flowers,  a piece of Garnet, and optionally smallest chunk of Camphor, to preserve health, restore it if lost,  and protect from sickness.

Saffron (Crocus spp.)

     Unlike the domesticated Crocus sativus (fam. Iridaceae), which normally flowers in the autumn, most Crocus species that grow in wild flower in spring. In magick a whole variety of species can be used. The stigma’s are collected and used for magickal spells and formulas. They have to be handpicked, and there’s only 3 stigma’s per flower, hence why the Saffron as a spice is so expensive.  The domesticated species ( Croscus sativus ) has sterile reproductive elements and is reproduced via bulb division/propagation.
     It’s use in love and money spells if well known, and it’s said to draw the riches even when used in the smallest amounts. It’s also said to “inflame the heart with love” or even lust.
     Combined with the Frankincense tears and burnt as an incense it’s said to be   excellent for “bringing light into dark spaces” and lifting the spirit. It’s also believed to help see the truth in the situation by heightening psychic powers. [3]

     As a Solar and Fire plant, it’s very powerful and illuminating. You can make it into a “Enhancing powder” ;


·          * Powdered Frankincense resin
·         * Saffron powder
·          * Cinnamon powder
·         *     Chamomile flowers powdered
·          * Epsom salts and Cornstarch mixture as a base

     Sprinkle to enhance spells and rituals, particularly those of a fire magick type. Toss a bit on the incense, dust a candle with it, or throw into the flames alongside a paper with petitions, symbols, use in cauldron waters etc.

      Chickweed ( Stellaria media )

     Chickweed is a small herbaceous green plant from the family Carryophylaceae, with somewhat inconspicuous yet beautiful white flowers. It’s common in the deciduous woods.
     “Carry or use in spells designed  to attract love or maintain a relationship. “ [4] It can be used in spells to inspire someone to express their love towards the user, if they feel reluctant to do so. One can simply enchant the plant and have them hold it. It will open their heart and mouths.

Bluebell ( Hyacinthes non-scripta, Hyacinthes spp. , Campanula rotundifolia, Campanula spp. )

     Another “spring bloomer” the Common Bluebell is actually not a true Bluebell at all! Bluebells are the plants from the Campanulaceae family, mostly the genus Campanula (common in Europe is Campanula rotundifolia, for example) . Common Bluebell, as known in England and USA, is actually from the Amaryllidaceae family. The two are very distant, taxonomically speaking,
     It matter little though, for the folklore associated with both groups seems to be pretty much exactly the same.
     It’s a fairy flower, and in UK its presence indicated that the forest where it grows is ancient. It’s not advisable to pick it, even though people do so to hang it on strings during the Midsummer to attract the Fae (fairies).  Hearing the Blubells ring was considered to a death omen, and the forest where it grew in abundance is said to be under the influence of fairy spells. [5] Folk say that Far love to wear the flowers as hats which is often said about the Digitalis flowers as well .
     It is also used in truth spells…  Enchanted and given to someone to hold, with any excuse, is said to force them to tell the truth no matter what.

     It’s commonly grown in gardens, as an ornamental plant, so outside the UK, it’s pretty safe to pick it, without endangering the populations. It should not be ingested though as it contains alkaloids.

Daffodil ( Narcissus poeticus )

     Another bulbous, beautiful perennial from the Amaryllidaceae family. Often thought ( erroneously ) to be named after the mythical figure Narcissus, but had actually been named so before the myth’s discovery. It’s also the flower mentioned in the Persephone myth, the one that distracted her, enabling Hades to  kidnap her.
     It’s associated with peace, hope, self-love, rebirth, resurrection, renewal and the new beginnings, and worn in a pocket near the heart is said to confer a cheerful disposition and optimism to the wearer. [6] Some also say that worn like that, brings luck.
     It’s also a flower used in funerary rites, and a suitable Ostara  altar decoration/offering and symbol.

Magnolia ( Magnolia grandiflora, Magnolia spp. )

     This ancient shrub/tree from the Magnoliaceae family blooms in early spring, so even though it’s not herbaceous, nor small and gentle, it can be seen as an ephemeral being that it finishes blooming, pollination, and forms a fruit, all during a relatively short period  of few months.
     It’s a Venus and water plant particularly famed for ensuring conjugal fidelity, when the leafs are placed bellow bed, or sewn into mattress.
     You can enchant a leaf and place it over the Book of Shadows, to prevent others from reading it.

Lilly of the Valley ( Convalaria majalis )

      This beautiful, white flowered herbaceous plant, flowering in May, is a symbol of purity, humility and spirituality. It’s in the family Asparagaeceae, possibly the only species of the genus.
       Among many other magickal uses, the flowers of this plant augment and amplify the beneficial spiritual work greatly, which is probably why they are an ingredient in the New Orleans style “Holy Spirit oil”, reportedly of the following formula:

  • Lilly of the Valley
  • Hyssop
  • Basil
  • Lavender
All combined in a base of “pure Oilve oil from Israel”  and used “for highly positive works and to summon helpful spirits” [7]

Snowdrops ( Galanthus nivalis )

     This early white-flowering plant, from the Asparagaceae family, often appearing and flowering through the snow, is a symbol of hope, comfort and purity.
     It’s associated with  and symbolic of the Candlemas andImbloc  and those picked on the Candlemas  day are believed to be imbued by miraculous power.

     You can get a dry, pressed flower, place it in the Psalm Book on the page where 23rd  Psalm is, read the psalm and add a heartfelt prayer for help with some situation, or problem that seems hopeless or  unsolvable  to you. Then procced to also read the Psalm 42nd , place the Psalm book with the flower bellow your pillow, and place a glass of fresh water next to your bed. Go to sleep and 
record any guidance or symbolic dreams that you receive.

NOTES: This article was written and composed by myself, so if you desire to use any parts of it elsewhere online, you may do so but provide the credits:    Shadow of the Shadows magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or direct link to this post


[1] acc. to Cunningham, Scott in; “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs”
[4] As under [1]
[7] Formula retrieved/quoted from : http://www.examiner.com/article/the-art-of-conjuring-oils-and-potions-part-3 for educational and explanatory purposes, without any ill will 

IMAGE CREDITS: Photo showing Buttercups was taken by myself

Mar 29, 2016

Conjuring the strength

     Sometimes we find ourselves drained, tired and unable to proceed.
Physically and/or mentally. Maybe even from a spiritual perspective, we start feeling hopeless,
Atlas  holding  up the world

unbefitting or discouraged to tackle some kind of problem or an issue. In short we lack strength, and persistence to get something done. We may even attempt to achieve something, or pursue a goal, and then start feeling overwhelmed or scared and eventually give up. Or we may feel as if the burden of the whole world is on our shoulders. Life gets hectic . 

There are many reasons why we may start to feel like that, and a more succinct and in-depth analysis of such is beyond the scope of a blog post, for it can, and has filled pages of books and books, but let’s mention just some common causes, to better understand the issue:

·         Physical/physiological causes: improper nourishment, poor sleep quality, stress and various medical conditions, can all respectively drain one of energy and strength to do things. In such cases, naturally, an orthodox, allopathic medical help is sought, which can of course be complemented by healing and/or empowering spiritual work, or alternative medicine methods.

·         Mental causes: stress, exogenous depression, peer pressure, anxiety, time schedules and deadlines, atychiphobia, neurasthenia… these are just a handful of many possible causes in the area or mental health and wellbeing that can deplete human of their strength and energy, and leave them unable to carry on or give up. Even just the general way of life can affect it in a clandestine, foxy way. Let’s say you have a cluttered work desk… it’s a reflection of mental clutter and simultaneously a tool to perpetuate and increase it, in a sort of vicious circle process. Such can leave you feeling exerted, lost, tired and incapable to get the work done.

·         Spiritual causes: poor spiritual hygiene can result in spiritual debris preventing normal energy flow, and cause lack of strength which cannot be accounted nor diagnosed by anything related to mental and/or physiological sphere. A parasitic spirit or thoughtform can deplete one of energy, or even one’s fear of failure, and hopelessness can turn into a thoughtform and make one less strong and apt to tackle something than they normally are. All sort of crossed conditions, binding spells and blocked conditions in particular can also greatly deplete one of it’s personal power.

     So as we see, there are 3 main dimensions, in all their varieties of lockage in strength to do something. Hence, for humans, and spiritual people in particular, strength is not simply ability to perform work or use certain amount of force, per specific amount of time or even area. It’s a combination of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and potential to cause changes in our surrounding.

     As noted, If we happen to know the underlying cause to our inability or lack of strength to do something (let’s say, as simple thing as mundane spring cleaning and painting or as complex as successfully performing a human-flag exercise) we can treat the cause respectfully and in time, restore the strength or ability to do it. To illustrate;

·         Vitamin B group deficiency, which can cause conditions such as asthenia among others, can be treated with a Vitamin B supplement, in acute case as a vitamin complex shot, or in a chronic or less severe case with taking a vitamin B group supplement.

·         A cluttered room can cause mental exhaustion, and eat up inspiration, focus and determination to do things. Cleaning up and organizing the room will restore the positive mind outset and hope, and help one realize that the root of their power deficit was in lack or organization, and focus.

·         If someone finds themselves a victim of a blocked condition, caused by themselves or others, either way, a Blockbusting type of spiritual work, common in Hoodoo magick, will remove these obstacles which were lowering one’s efficiency to accomplish something.

     Yet, what if the cause is not clear, and we need to act fast? We may not have the time to introspect, or perform divination for example. We need something done right now, time is of the essence, and we are lacking strength to do it. Or what if we generally lack strength to do something at given point? We are simply not yet developed enough to do something but we really need to. Or what if we need just a little push… a touch of something, like some people may need caffeine in the morning, to help get them through the day. It’s perfectly normal to help oneself now and then in such way.  Well in that case, we can use magick to conjure up some strength, increase our personal power, and so on. It may be as simple as “charging” and carrying a stone, or more complex as a combination of spiritual bath and a candle burning ritual. In either case, magick can cover all three aspects mentioned, in which the underlying cause, or causes, can be found. Hence, in this article I will present some advices, spells or works, I’ve either came up with myself, or found elsewhere and decided to share.

     Materia magica

     Any and all herbal, animal, or mineral agents used in magick to empower one mentally,
The Prihtvi Vardak mudra, for strength,
Vigor and endurance, and in Christianity;
a gesture of blessing Byzantine art   detail
physically, spiritually or combined, will help. For example, Sampson snake root will empower one physically and spiritually, Mint will do so mentally  bringing sharp mind and clarity as well, particularly in times of need, while Mugwort, plucked ritually and placed in a shoe will ensure physical strength and endurance. Master of the Woods will do the same, and also empower one spiritually. Ginger rhizome and John The Conqueror root are well known for empowering people, each in their own respective way. Rosemary will give mental and physical vigor and excellence. Thyme and Borage, as incenses or infusions can give us bravery we lack to get up and tackle something. Cocoa or coffee baths are said to replenish lost physical strength in meek people. And so on.

     Colors traditionally used for strength, are purple ( mastery and occult power, mental power ), blue ( healing, and replenishing strength ), red ( for increasing physical power, vigor and endurance, as well as bravery ), or orange ( for conjuring the energy, magnetism, and power in general ). White can of course be used instead of any of these, or along with them, as can natural beeswax brown candles.

     Laundry bluing , used in baths, alone or combined with other ingredients, is a brilliant way to deal with the mental fatigue, as well as physical fatigue. Crystals and gems will be discussed in a separate paragraph.

     Magickal timing

     These type of spiritual work is ideally done on a night of the Full Moon, or during the Sunrise hour. Otherwise, time it during the days or hours of

-          Mars – for physical empowerment, strength boost, bravery and endurance

-          Mercury – for mental excellence, studies, and mental endurance and focus

-          Sun – healing conditions related to the lack of strength and infusing one with strengths

-          Saturn – Spiritual strength and breaking boundaries to progress, strength use or increase

     Obviously if you need let’s say; both mental and physical strength you can combine the timing, that is perform the ritual/spell during the Mercury day and hour of Mars, and so on. It’s also worth mentioning here that the Sunrise time coincides with the beginning of the planetary hour of Sun ( one of them ) for a given day.

     Spring Equinox   ( roughly around the 21st of March ) is the most auspicious time of the year for rebalancing and empowerment, and taking charge of your life, as well as acquiring that extra strength needed to tackle even the long standing problems, and make changes in life.

     Crystals and minerals

     Following are some crystals, that are on a mental or emotional plane, as well as physical and spiritual used to empower someone, or give them endurance and also inspire them. The list is by no means complete, and is merely what I’d suggest, and what the people working with crystals generally agree upon; along with a brief explanation why and in which case

·         Fluorite – will be ideal to provide mental strength and aptness for anything study related

·         Clear Calcite   – Will provide clarity and soothe the connective tissues and muscles if they are sore [1]

·         Carnelian  – will raise the levels and give strength for one to “come on their own” [2] as well as increase physical strength, vigor and endurance. It’s extremely useful if a prolonged effort in something is required

·         Unakite – draws off negative energy from the heart chakra, and lifts the spirits when one feels down, helping them see the beauty in life [3]

·         Garnet – for physical strength, endurance, vigor and courage. It’s also a very energizing stone

·         Clear quartz – energizing, promoting mental focus and clarity and balancing the energy bodies and meridians, helping undisturbed energy flow

·         Sunstone – For a sunny disposition, optimism and re-energizing, as well as treating depression and melancholia. It also helps heal variety of physical conditions which cause, among other weakness and lack of strength

·         Onyx  – a mental tonic crystal

·         Shungite – Said to eliminate and absorb anything that is a hazard to human health [4] and the essence ( infused water ) is a general body tonic, that also helps heal all sort of conditions particularly inflammations and infections. It battles the effects of stress ( oxidation for example ), and helps rejuvenate the tissues and body

·         Sugilite – “It imparts the ability to face unpleasant conditions, encourages positive thoughts, and releases emotional turmoil” , it’s a pain reliever, and when placed on the third eye will deal away with despair [5]

·         Charoite – deeply physically and emotionally healing, it’s also empowering and helps overcome fears and obsessive compulsive thinking

     A spell of strength

     During the hour of Sun combine, and using a mortar and pestle pulverize;

·         Sampson snake root or herb

·         Mint

·         Ginger rhizome

     On a piece of paper write your name 7 times and encircle it with word: “Power” or “Strength” written in a continuous line so that it forms an undisrupted circumference around your name. Place some of the powder on it, and fold the paper in such was that it forms a triangle, and that the powder is securely closed within. Try to keep it small.

     During the Sunrise, or the hour of Mars, light an Orange or White candle, and in front of it place a fireproof container or dish ( like a cauldron ), and place inside some lit charcoal disc, one or more depending on the size.

     Say aloud the following words as you set the paper you prepared earlier alight, on the candle’s flame:

     Timid spirit and body weak,
      Surge of power now they seek,
      As sun rises with this spell,
      They’re empowered, strong and well!”

     Release the paper in the dish on the charcoal disc, and repeat the words once again. When it’s almost completely burnt to ashes, add some more of that powder, say the words one more time and inhale the incense fumes.

     Let the candle burn all the way down, and extinguish on itself. You can dispose of the ashes under some large, strong, imposing tree, like an Oak for example.

Elements empowerment spell

     Go somewhere where the water meets the land. Seashore/ocean would be ideal. Have a red candle with you, and a lodestone.

     When you reach there, pace the candle facing south, light it, and holding the lodestone in your hands chant:

      To give me strength, and power I need
        Sprits of elements I invoke and plead,
        Earth, Air, Water and Fire,
        Lift my spirit, it is my desire!”

     Chant as many times as you like, or until you feel the Lodestone in your hands tingling with power. Then you can spend some more time in quiet meditation if you so please. It is done.

      The following charm, unlike the previous two, is not (written, composed) by myself, but it find it just that splendid and well done that I had to share it here

     Charm for energy and motivation

     “Need some extra energy? Motivation? Creativity? This charm bag is intended to do all that and help you get stuff done. You will need:

Motivation: Purple Statice or Lemon,

Creativity: Ginger, Nutmeg, or Vervain,

Energy: Chamomile or Carnation, Quartz Crystal of your choice” [6]

You may also find some potentially helpful information on my posts about:

Carnelian Carnelian magick
Magickal tips against procrastination  and sloth and

Mars warrior spirit magick  

NOTES: This article was written and composed by  myself, so If you wish to use any part of it elsewhere online, feel free, but add credits; Shadow of the Shadows magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a direct link to this post


[1] According to Judy Hall; "Crystal Bible"
[3] Acc. to https://crystal-cure.com/unakite.html

[4] Acc. to and more information can be found here; http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/shungite.html
[5] Quote retrieved from : http://crystal-cure.com/sugilite.html

[6] Retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/315252042647123936/ original source ; http://recreationalwitchcraft.tumblr.com/post/112072939192/motivation-charm-bag posted here  for educational purposes without any ill will
IMAGE CREDITS:  Atlas holding up the world https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e1/c1/3d/e1c13db987e69784abe396b6b81dce76.jpg
Prihtvi vardak Mudra https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/f9/86/96f9869b9f9dcd9d4909fcb798930278.jpg

Both used for illustrative and explanatory purposes without ill will

Jan 31, 2016

The Iceland Spar/Optical Calcite in magick and healing

This stone is utilized in spirituality rituals. It’s perfect as a focus of contemplation during meditation
Cunningham Scott
"Optical calcite amplifies images and helps you to see double meanings hidden in communication."
Optical Calcite specimen from
www.crystal-cure.com showing an example
of double  refraction (notice the "double" text )
    The Calcite mineral/crystal is the most stable polymorphous form of the Calcium carbonate (common limestone), and is created from the amorphous precursor, that is poorly arranged CaCO3. It’s most commonly transparent to mildly opaque, but can occur in variety of other colors. It has white streak, hardness number 3 on the Moss’ scale and vitreous to pearly luster.

     The clear Quartz variety (which this article will deal with),  that is the single crystals of Clear Quartz variety known as “Iceland Spar” exhibit a not so common property of birefringence, or double refraction. That is, it can slip the rays of light in two, hence objects observed to it may appear as doubled. [1]

     While not hidrosolubile, like most other Calcium carbonate varieties, it dissolves in acids, even the diluted ones. Some optically active Iceland spars, may if dipped in water for too long, develop certain dull lines in specific spots and thus become more opaque in appearance, as opposed to the usual transparent ones.

     It’s found and mined pretty much worldwide, and is readily available in the crystal shops most of the time.

Optical Calcite may come in other colors, commonly yellow,
sometimes this variety may be called Gold or Yellow Optical Calcite
but such specimens are not Clear Calcite/Iceland Spar
and have properties of the Yellow Calcite and properties of Optical Calcite

Use in crystal therapy

     The uses of Calcite in healing, on all the levels of the being (physical, ethereal, mental, emotional according to crystal therapy) are generally uniform for all the varieties of the stone, some having additional uses due to their colour.

     In that sense, for example, the Blue Calcite acts as blood pressure regulator, that is it lowers the heightened blood pressure, releases pain and soothes the nerves, physically and mentally. The Green one is really good in treatment of fevers, inflammations, such as arthritis, cleans the body from the bacteria, treats burns and regulates the activity of the adrenal glands. The red one, for example, is very good for curing the    constipation. The clear calcite is very good for treating eyes, improving eyesight, inspiring growth (both on spiritual and physical level) and clearing the mind. [2]

     All of the Calcites, regardless of the colour, will improve the following physiological processes and treat the following conditions:

·         Helps absorption of Calcium into the bones, dissolves calcifications (pathological ones), strengthens the joints and bones in general. It’s very helpful in securing the healthy and proper development of skeletal tissue/system in kids.

·         Helps cleaning the excretory organs/systems

·         Helps blood coagulation and tissue healing and regeneration

·         Relieves migraine

·         Heals the eyes

·         Removes tension

     The last three are particularly associated with the Clear / Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar, even though that all the Calcite exhibit those properties.

     Crystal essence / elixir made from the Clear Calcite / Iceland Spar, is a considered a cure-all, that is it energizes and cleanses physical and spiritual bodies, kick-starts the healing process, and is excellent to treat the digestive system conditions and skin conditions topically. The Essence made from the Yellow or Golden calcite* is refreshing, energizing and said to broaden the spiritual awareness.

     Mentally, it’s very useful in the studying process, as it strengthens the memory, analytic skills and helps to filter relevant from irrelevant information. It dissolves the stress, replacing it with the serenity. It defeats laziness, and helps one restore faith in themselves. [3]

Use in magick

     Clear Calcite, and particularly the optical variety, is used in magick, to double the strength of spells [4] or otherwise empower magickal and spiritual work. For these purposes it’s either held during ritual and spell work or placed on altars.

     It can also bring clarity of the mind, better understanding of abstract concepts and ideas, such as omens, visions, peculiar dreams and so on. When mediated with or worn, or placed under pillow, it can induce visions, and premonitions, and it will raise spiritual awareness.

     Some people place Optical calcite in over their wallets, or on top of some money to entice it to “to grow” multiplying by two, constantly, in a way.

     It’s believed to be able to “draw the light” into the soul. This use could be associated with the belief that it was a stone that the Vikings used for navigation on cloudy days, due to the stone’s effect of polarization. In that sense, it’s still believe to be helpful in helping the soul find the light, and spirituality, and even curing the “susto” ( “Soul loss” ) by bringing it back to the body, although for the last, the black Calcite is used.

     There is a somewhat old belief (the stone’s use in magick is relatively young, compared to many of the stones used in magickal work) that it can cast illusions. For such purposes the stone had to undergo specific ritual preparations, such to be left in the graveyard during the night of the Full Moon, and be rubbed with juice of the Belladonna, among other.

    Being that it’s a good stone for communication and understanding notions with double meaning, it’s suitable for Truth spells as well. Finally, it’s held to me magickally curative as well, hence why it’s essence is believed to be a sort of a cure all.

     Here are some of the magickal correspondences for the Clear (and Optical) Calcite:

·         Planetary ruler: Moon

·         Elemental ruler: Water

·         Numerical correspondence: 8

·         Energy: receptive

·         Birthstone of: Cancer

·         Time of the Year: Imbolc, Blue moon* 

·         Angelic ruler: Gabriel the Archangel

To empower spells, and gain spiritual power

     Place a piece of Optical Calcite on your altar during your spiritual work. For this purpose it really goes well with the Amber and Spectrolite, so you can combine them. You can arrange them in an auspicious pattern, such as pentagram, if using more stones, or you can place a piece on a plate alongside a purple or white candle, dressed with the “Master key” oil, and an old skeleton key, and a piece of your own hair, nail,  or drop of your own blood, and burn daily and pray for increased spiritual powers.

Physical body change spell

     There is a spell,  prominently circulating on the internet, used to help change body  part, or the shape of the body in general. While some may struggle with the notion of it being even possible, the spell is basically programing a crystal, to do a specific magickal work. Being that the crystal atoms are organized in a uniform patter, making nearly perfect, symmetric geometrical figures as they grow, this makes perfect sense. It’s a matter of transfer magick. The original spell uses Quartz  Crystal, but being that Iceland Spar work on bones, muscles and helps growth where needed, I think that the Iceland Spar, particularly those cut into cubes or rhombs are ideal for this type of spell. I’d also suggest burning an orange candle when performing the spell for the first time, and each day afterwards, a bit until it’s burnt all the way down.

     The spell instructions are as follow, just replace Quartz with the Iceland Spar:

“Procedure: Take the small piece of paper and write your name on it. Draw on it what body or body part you want changed and what you want it to look like. The picture could show the entire body or just the part.

Now hold the paper in your hands and imagine the body/part changing from what it looks like now to what you want it to look like.

Then fold it up any way you like and tie it to the crystal. Then once more visualize the body part changing.

Put it away and every evening until the body is changed take it out and visualize it changing again.

When the change is done tear the paper up and scatter it to the wind.

This spell is very good for changing aspects you don't like. It took a few days to see results so don't expect an over nighter” [6]

The White essence

     My personal formula for a cure-all type of potion with Clear Calcite**

     Using spring water, create an essence with the Clear Quartz and the clear Calcite Crystals. Strain. Add some Holy Water. Read the Psalm 142nd over it. Drink some to heal, remove pain and restore health and energy.

Happy Imbolc/Candlemas, and Many Blessings to all my readers


NOTE: This article was written and composed by myself, hence If You wish to use any part of it elsewhere online, feel free, but add credits  ; Shadow of the Shadows magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com   or a direct link to this post

*While it’s only natural that certain gemstones take special place in certain   magickal times, certain periods of the year, be it even a single day, it should be obvious that this does not imply that these stones can be used only in/on these given times.   Crystals themselves are pretty much equally powerful all year long, If properly maintained (cleaned and charged), of course

**Clear Calcite in tumbled form, or that which is not necessarily an optical variety is preferred for usage her, as the Optical Iceland Spar, may contain the “hooks” inside, which can absorb water and give crystal a sort of “dull”, more opaque appearance.

[2] Judy Hall, “Crystal Bible; A definitive guide to  crystals”  pg. 90th, 91st , 92nd
[3] As under [2] pg.  89th
[4] According to:  Cunningham, Scott “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of crystal, gem and metal magick” pg 79th and 80th
[5] Various sources, but mostly “Dunwich’s guide to Gemstone Sorcery” by Dunwich, Gerina , pg 183rd, and www.archangels-and-angels.com website information

[6] Retrieved from: http://www.spellsofmagic.com/spells/beauty_spells/body_spells/5708/page.html for illustrative and  explanatory purposes without any ill will.

Image 2. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/70/53/98/7053987dd58384b50160b306d07c13a6.jpg  Both are used here for   illustrative and explanatory purposes without any ill will