Mimosa is any of the plants of genus Mimosa ( around 400
species ) , varying in ecological form from herbaceous, over shrubs to trees, the last form though being most
frequent one.
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Acacia delbata, blossoming branch |
It had often ( likely due to it’s leaves and leaflets from )
been confused with other genus such as Acacia, and Albizia.
Mimosas have leaves
divided in pinnate or bipinnate leaflets, much like in the case of fern. The
flowers range in color, though they are
most often , pink or pale violet or combined. Flowers are arranged into
globular clusters, which are often mistaken for the whole , single flower, much
like people do when it comes to common Daisy, or Dandelions, from Asteraceae family, or
with Clovers from Fabaceae family etc. Mimosas have 10 or less stamens, which is important, because it can
be used as taxonomic marker to
differentiate them from similar Acacias
and Albizia plants. Some Mimosas are
widely known as plants which are capable of making fast, nastic movements, such
as the popular example of Mimosa pudica, which reacts to mechanical or heat
stimulus , by folding it’s leafs, as If retreating or shaming. Hence why in
Hoodoo, Mimosa pudica is often referred to as “Shame brier” and is used in
ritual to make someone feel the shame.
Mimosa nuttalii , is sometimes referred to as “Shame boy”, and is a
herbaceous or vine plant, with small purple flowers, with 5 very small petals,
and 8-10 stamens, with a prickly pod fruit. It’s been used interchangeably in Hoodoo
with Mimosa pudica, due to same ability
of rapid nastic movements.
Mimosas are part of Fabaceae family now, and are often
placed in Mimosideae subfamily. Most contain
some amount of hepatonic acid , which is not toxic, more so in minute
amounts that Mimosa plants contain ( it’s a chemical that can be obtained from
it’s precursor, ricinoleic acid, from castor bean oil, and is used in
esterification of various substances used as
fragrances or additives ), but some like Mimosa tenuiflora, contain psychedelic
dimethyltriptamine ( the “notorious” DMT, also known as “spirit molecule” ) and
is hence used in some shamanic brews, like Ayahuasca. [1]
Use in magick
In magick Mimosa is a plant correspondent to the planet
Saturn and Element of water. It’s considered a “feminine” plant [2]
People use both the actual Mimosas, which are more often
herbaceous plants than trees, and what they refer to as “Yellow Mimosa”
sometimes, which is actually Acacia delbata. In cases where the ability of
rapid movements in magick is not required, these species seem to be used
It’s used in purification spells and rituals, mostly when
sprinkled around the area, powdered or chopped even. The infusion can be used
in similar manner, like a floorwash, but is most often used in form of bath, to
annul hexes and curses, while also
providing protection from them.
It is said to confer prophetic dreams when placed bellow
pillow, also protecting from nightmares and helping pleasant dreams come true,
If one desires it.
Mimosa is added to all sort of love mixtures, as a touch of
subtitle dominance, particularly by women. It’s has some influence and
domination properties, and is thus sometimes
used in influence and control and
commanding formulas. [3] In fact due to
it’s Saturn-ian nature and power to confront, fight and deny power to evil, it
can be used in formulas to protect from demons, help controlling them and
decrease the powers they may use against one.
Connecting with the Mimosa tree energies, according to Cass Eason’s
can help in: “Removes a sense of isolation, especially for older people; calms
anxiety; relieves depression, gastric problems, cuts, and wounds, also
nightmares” [4] Find out more, what are the ways of connecting and healing with
tree energies more in her article “Healing trees”. Cass Eason gives binomial name “Acacia delbata”, hence she’s referring to the tree, with fragrant yellow
flowers. Givenchy, has a perfume
“Amarige – Mimosa harvest 2009” which uses the flowers as one of the dominant
In Hoodoo Mimosa, or rather the Shame brier species ( interchangeably few
other Mimosas with
the ability of rapid nastic movement, such as Mimosa nutalii and few others ) is
used to "(a)shame someone" and prevent them
from harming You in future , get hired and have
success at job interviews, or get a lawsuit against You dropped or to win it. Regardless of the aim, Mimosa
has to be collected ritually, and “activated” by passing hand over it’s leaves
( often specific amount of times ) so that it will roll back it’s leaflets, and
saying: “Be ashamed” . Then it’s ready
to be used ritually.
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Mimosa nutalii, so called "Shame boy" |
Acacia delbata flowers, are used in Hoodoo formulas such as
“Master key” and “African Ju Ju”. It’s
commonly the fragrant yellow flowers that are being used
Festival of Mimosa
In a country from which I am coming from , there is a
festival dedicated to Mimosa ( Acacia delbata ), lasting a whole month, or rather
the whole February. The “Mimosa
Festival” has been appropriated every year, ever since 1969th , and is a type of carnival-like celebrations, including
old traditional songs and music,
traditional Mediterranean cuisine, costume balls, parades , musical and
other kind of artistic performances and so on. All of which, heavily
referencing the Mimosa flowers theme,
and most often Mimosa flowers are actually, physically present during
these activities, as a part of décor, of to be given away to visitors and
participants. About the symbolism, and origins of this festivity, which is
quite reminiscent of those, now mostly extinguished, local cults of plant
worship, once very common throughout the Europe, locals can’t say much. In
fact, Mimosa seems to spawn all sorts of subjective, personal associations, which may differ from person to
person. But one thing people here commonly agree on, when it comes to symbolism of Mimosa, is that it symbolizes strength and power, to endure and
succeed in something , even when the
terms of environment are unfriendly , opposing or harsh. In such manner that
Mimosa blooms when most of the Europe is still covered in snow. In fact, the seaside towns that celebrate this festival, have pretty
much pleasant microclimate during February, but just a few ( 2-4h ) hours of
driving to the northern parts of the country, and You’ll meet the typical
winter sceneries, with white, snow covered areas, smoking chimneys, people
dressed up like they live on Alaska J, ski-centers, winter spa centers, pine forests
etc. While all that is nice, in its own
way, it’s at the same time monochromatic and quite absent of vegetation, if we exclude the aforementioned, enduring, frost and snow
tolerant pines. Yet on the south, there is an explosion of yellow, fragrant
flowers everywhere You go. Another thing people will often associate with
Mimosa flowers here is happiness. I’ll tell You, ever since I was a little kid,
I would wait the end of January with extreme anticipation, because then, I’d
get the chance to enjoy these amazing
flowers, which were always there in February, much like the Festival.
Regardless of who was the president, was the country doing well economically
and politically, was the country threatened in some way, the Mimosa festival ,
and Mimosa flowers called the people to
unite, find the hope and celebrate the end of Winter. You can read a bit about it on here
Triple Saturn charm and incense
In a small, purple or indigo charm bag, combine:
Solomon seal root
Mimosa flowers and · Mullein leaves
Use to protect from evil magick, and negate it’s power, as
well as to ensure that You will not be fascinated or influenced by demons. It’s
very good to fight and resist demonic oppression, and chase away the demons. It
will also help You influence and dominate people.
Incense is used likewise, it can be also used to control
demons and force them to do Your biddings, or command them to behave
accordingly with Your desires. It makes a good “Higher magick” incense.
Shielded prophetic dreams mojo
In a blue or indigo mojo bag, place some Mimosa flowers, Calendula
flowers, and one seed of Star Anise.
Dress with “Power oil” if You wish ( optional ) and place under pillow,
for prophetic dreams, and protection during sleep. If You wish to make a mojo bag which You can
use repeatedly, whenever needing prophetic dreams, and to carry on Your person
for this purpose, hence a more of an actual, traditional mojo bag, You may add
Bay Laurel leaf, and the Fifth pentacle of Jupiter drawn on parchment paper,
from the Greater key of Solomon.
Likewise, dress ( and thus “feed”
) occasionally with “Power oil”, or “Psychic vision oil”. When I made this one for myself I used to
dress it with “Spirit guide oil” for it can be used to protect and guide, while
also having most of ingredients that go to the “Psychic vision oil” as
Simple bath to undo
and stop the evil ( “black” ) magick
As Scott Cunningham suggested in his “Cunningham’s
Encyclopedia of magical herbs”, plain, one ingredient infusion of Mimosa flowers,
used as a bath, which can be poured over , or even sponged onto the body will
serve to remove hexes and curses and protect from them in future.
Simply add a handful of flowers ( or a bundle of branches
with flowers ) to the ½ liter ( about
16.5 fl oz ) of boiling water, let it
cook for 3 minutes while stirring
gently, remove, cover and let it sit for
about ½ - 1 h, pray Psalms 10th and 89th over the
infusion, strain and use.
Scent of respect , for women
Make a strong infusion of the Mimosa flowers with the spring
water, or distilled water, and strain well, using philter paper. Strain twice.
In a half of the teaspoon of Castor oil, add 15 drops of
Vanilla absolute essential oil, and 10 drops of Rosemary essential oil. Add
this to 20ml of apothecary alcohol or vodka and shake well. Add about 7 – 10 ml
of the infusion of Mimosa, You’ve previously made, shake well once again, and
place in a glass, clean bottle to which
You have added a small piece of Angelica root. Place this in refrigerator for
couple of months If possible prior to use, so the aroma would become very fixed
and stable. Use as perfume, when You need others to respect You, when You wish
to influence them, and make them agree
with You.
NOTES: This article was composed and written by myself, so If You wish to use any parts of it elsewhere online, feel free, but add credits Shadow of Shadow's magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a direct link to this post
[2] Cunningham Scott, “ Cunningham’s Encylopedia of magical
herbs” 2009th, page 173rd , Llewellyn
[3] According to: http://www.pookapages.com/Gruenwold/Magical%20Herbs.htm , makes perfect sense, considering the
planetary ruler of the plan
[4] Quoted, from : http://www.cassandraeason.com/healing/healing_trees.htm
Images used in this post are from ( in order of appearance ): http://www.fragrantica.com/news/Acacia-Yellow-Mimosa--2044.html , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SensitivePlantFlowers.jpg and http://kontaktradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/mimoza-hn.jpg used here for illustrative and explanatory purposes without any ill will
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