The desire to know, and thus affect the future, or even attain information about past or
present through spiritual means, has spawned so many forms of mantic arts, or divination methods. People have always been ( and still
are ) trying very hard, to see
clearly he truth, using spiritual
methods, to get precious information
about future, guidance, and read omens, all to increase the quality of their lives and uplift themselves.
From a silly teenage
girl, doing one of them sappy love divinations to find out If that guy likes
her, over that
guy gazing into a bowl of water that reflects the full Moon in order to
foresee the upcoming events, to a notorious necromancer invoking ghosts to get
information from them, divination is
what they all are engaging in.
I’ve already written about how to use playing cards in
divination method known as cartomancy
before, and today we will focus on a more “spiritual” method. Divination using
the element of water, also known as
![]() |
Galadriel and her magick "mirror", a speculum made with water |
Hydromancy and hidroscopy
Hydromancy, often also referred to as Hydroscopy is an art of divination using water as a medium, scrying surface or tool. Term hydromancy ( Old Greek “hydros” – water
and “manteia” divination ) was more often used for those methods that
were more “mystical” in nature , and “modus operandi”, such as let’s say water scrying. The term Hydroscopy ( Old Greek “scopein” –
to observe ) was rarely ever used, and when it was, it was used to describe those methods which had more scientific procedures about them, like the methods with
ring pendulum and glass, or casting stones on steady/calm water surface to cause ripples.
In Renaissance magick, Hydromancy came to be one of the seven “artes magicae
“ or “artes pohibitae” that is one of the “seven forbidden arts”,
according to canon law , as expounded by
J. Hartlieb in 1456th [1]
Water is an element
associated traditionally with feminine, intuition, psychic powers, emotions,
and Moon ( among other things ) , hence
it makes an ideal medium for spiritual work known as divination. It’s also
associated with Archangel Gabriel, harbinger of
important news, and holder of mystical knowledge and secrets, as well as Archangel known to guide people and advice them.
So other than
observing the water behavior itself, and effects it caused on other objects,
water was seen as one of the ideal
scrying surfaces, which meant that
gazing upon in, in near-trance-like
state would give practitioners visions
and symbolic insight. Therefore, we can freely say that water scrying , or gazing was
what inspired catmoptromancy, or divination by mirror reflections, for water
surfaces were the first mirrors
available and known to humans. Later the two were even often combined in
divination, like in example described by Pausianias, an second century Greek
“Before the Temple of Ceres at Patras, there was a fountain,
separated from the temple by a wall, and there was an oracle, very truthful,
not for all events, but for the sick only. The sick person let down a mirror,
suspended by a thread till its base touched the surface of the water, having
first prayed to the goddess and offered incense. Then looking in the mirror, he
saw the presage of death or recovery, according as the face appeared fresh and
healthy, or of a ghastly aspect” [2]
Various ( both ) diverse and similar methods of hydromancy
spin the globe.
In Ancient Greece, there was a custom where one would hold a mirror just
bellow to water surface, on the “holy” oracle hill of Zeus in Dodona ( 14th century
BC ), though it’s wise to note here that the Zeus mentioned was not the
Olympian Zeus, which came considerably later. [3]
Divination observing the mirror or the water surface, was common practice in Ancient Egypt, and was dedicated to their goddess Hathor, who was reputed to had possessed a magickal
shield or mirror which had been able to
show to true nature of any person or object, and was hence a feared item, for few were ready to
deal with what they would see in it.
What more, legends say that Ra’s “holy”
eye was given in custody to Hathor ( or even “in form of goddess Hathor”
) and that using it she was able to see anything in the world. It’s no surprise then, than in Heka, it was/is customary to observe water surface placed in orange bowl , which reflected flame
or the Moon , while burning Rose incense and petitioning Hathor for
inspiration and visions .
In early French traditions it was customary to use spring
water for divination, poured in a dark
bowl. Saffron was burnt as an incense, and the
sprigs of Ash, along with flowers of Verbena or/and Wintergreen were
placed all around the bowl, which was then used as a speculum. When the scrying was completed, and needed information
gained, the contents were poured on the
ground, to preserve the link with
the Earth. [4] It is said that Nostradamus often practiced hydromancy, and that
he had a brass vessel with water, placed on metal tripod, used for such occasions.
Calm lake surfaces
are often, by Pagans , called Diana’s mirrors, and are used to gaze upon, and
entice visions , in nights when they
reflect Full or waxing Moon. Lake Nemi, in Lazio region in Itally, nearby
the town also called Nemi, is sacred to pagan goddess Diana. It’s a beautiful, small volcanic lake, that ,
in times of Ancient Rome , was
where the festival called Nemoralia (
13-15th August ) had taken
place. The lake was called “speculum
Diani” ( lat. Diana’s mirror ). Ancient
Roman priests that would conduct
readings , using mirrors and water surfaces for divination were called “speculari” .
Often, other substances
such as ink ( traditionally in
India, and some other Eastern
cultures ), dyes, or oils, like done in Italian
folk magick , were added to help
entrance the mind and the eye of beholder, and form ominous symbols. In Italy, one of the methods of
diagnosing evil eye's effects presence in someone’s life, was to pour olive oil in bowl with water, drop by
drop, while reciting incantations, until certain, auspicious symbol would
appear, most commonly an eye.
In Enochian magick,
Angels are often evoked, to appear in the glass with water, using prayers, incantations and words of power, after which they would provide guidance. Archangel Uriel is traditionally
evoked this way, and in some methods “innocent child” is required to perform part of the ritual.
Ceromancy ( divination
by using wax, most often candle
wax ) if another method often combined
with hydromancy , in which case
the candle wax was dripped , from a burning candle, into a vessel with water, and the symbols and shapes forming, were interpreted.
Here are a few practical methods You can use to divine using
water :
Water ripples technique
Best done outdoor, it requires but a few pebbles and a steady, calm water surface. Lakes were most preferred for this, though really, a small pond, a fountain, even a
puddle could do.
· Water to fill the glass, naturally J
The diviner asks the question, aloud, but not yelling. Some
say three times. The question should be
formulated /phrased in such manner that it can
be answered with either yes, or no, or “positive” and “negative” outcome. Then one is to cast a small pebble and count
the number or the ripples. Odd
numbers were considered a “yes” or “positive outcome” answer, and naturally, even numbers were interpreted
as a “no”, or “negative outcome” answer.
Splashes, strange intense sounds produced when casting the pebble, also
indicated “explosive” , swift development.
Long distance between the ripple circles, or absence of the same was a call to caution,
warning about obstacles on someone’s path, or slow development of the things that were to unfold in future.
Plainly put, it often meant, the
diviner, or the one whom the reading is being given, should take charge
of things, they question about.
The Jesuit M.A. Del Rio
( 1551-1608 ) describing several
methods of hydromancy [5], said that
three pebbles are to be used for this method, in which case You could either
sum all the ripples You’ve gotten, or
interpret each as “yes” or “no” answer , and the definite one being the one that appears twice.
Ring and glass method
This is the method most teenage girls know J It’s a simple, yes or no answer-giving method, that requires :
A vessel with water, preferably a tall narrow glass
Ring hung on a string, like a pendulum· Water to fill the glass, naturally J
The diviner is to place the glass with water in front of
themselves, dip the ring in it, wait until it becomes steady. Then, the
diviner asks the question, and then
gently swirls the vessel couple of times.
Number of times the ring hits the side is indicative of yes, or no, answer, same rule applied to water
ripple technique ( the previous one that was suggested ) goes here as well. Loud strikes of the ring, were
considered to foretell a negative
outcome, whereas the quiet, and / or dull strikes were ominous of an desired, positive way the
issue would unfold.
Water scrying
This is a simple and traditional method, calling for a
simple vessel of water, and some dye, or ink. I like to use Indigo ink, or
Dragon’s blood, but virtually any ink
will too. Furthermore, I found that certain tea infusions, like that of
green/black tea, which appear with that
oil-shiny active components layer, on the surface, can serve as
In any case, preferred time is night, or sunset. A dark glass bowl is filled
with water, and placed so that it does
not reflect the diviner, but instead,
reflects some light, be it natural, like
that of the Full Moon, or a candle’s flame. From there, there are
various variations of the technique.
One can add few drops of ink, after they have
asked the question, observing the shapes that will the ink form in contact with
water . In India, the pour the ink on
their palm, and then let it drip from
the palm into the bowl.
One can add drops of oil in
similar fashion, and interpret in similar fashion.
One can observe the clean water surface, fixing on it, gazing.
After a while one closes the eyes and opens them again, looks at the water in
the bowl, and starts blinking swiftly. The images will appear, and other than
their shape and symbolism , the diviner observes how do the images move and
where do they appear. Images that appear to be approaching to the diviner, speak of event or person
appearing in near future. If the picture is moving away from the diviner, it’s about something that had already taken
place, or someone who’s slowly going
away from their life, or some past issue that is still bothering
person in question. Images appearing on
the left speak about concrete things,
money, possessions and so on. Those
appearing on right speak in symbolism. If the images appear near the surface, they
speak of the issues that require quick action, and those appearing “bellow” the
surface , or near the rims, are considered “not so urgent”. Larger
images are considered of ,
obviously, larger importance.
Any of the methods mentioned can be cunningly combined. What
most of the water scrying methods have in common is that they should be done in darkened rooms,
illuminated by only candlelight, sunset or moonlight to get the best
or the reading. Also, the diviner
should take care not to let their
own image get reflected in the bowl with water.
I place a print of
“Sigilum Dei Aemeth” bellow the bowl/s I use for scrying, so any seal that has to do with truth, clarity,
prophecy and similar, can be used to “empower” the ritual even further.
Herbs, powders and crystals are also sometimes arranged
around the bowl/vessel with the water,
things like Verbena, Sage, Clarity powder, Amethyst or Quartz crystals, and so
Water agitation method, or “Resonance” method
As described on another site:
“In some rituals people use a wand made from the branch of a
bay tree, hazel tree or the laurel. The end of the wand should be covered in
dry tree sap or resin. Dip the end of the wand into the water until it becomes
wet. Wet the rims of the bowl. By gently drawing the rim of the wand around the
bowl it will cause it to resonate. The action of the resonating basin will
cause circular ripples to form in the basin. The water may seem to breathe with
the sounds.” [6]
I’ve heard this being done with a crystal point, and even
with a finger. Loud and unpleasant noises would indicate negative outcome, and vice verca, gentle and melodic sounds would foretell
positive outcome. Disturbed and uneven ripples are ominous about some danger or urgent
issue, harmonic, and even ripples
foretell about period of wealth, and
luck, or speak of success which comes from hard work.
It would be extremely interesting to me to experiment adding
few drops of Indigo ink when using
this method. J
NOTES: This article was written and composed by myself. If You wish to use any part(s) of it elsewhere online, feel free, but add credits: Shadow of Shadows magick place, or a direct link to this post.
[3] more about
Dodona and Zeus’ oracle and sanctuary You can read here:
[4] Eason , Cassandra, Encyclopedia of Magic and Ancient Wisdom: The Essential Guide to Myth,
Magic and the Supernatural , pages 137th, and 138th
IMAGE CREDITS: The first image; Galadriel’s mirror image is from used here for illustrative and explanatory purposes, without any ill will, and same goes for the second image, which is from edited digitally, by myself , for posting here
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