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"White Lady" apparition, artistic depictio n |
and the supernatural have intrigued and terrified mankind since the dawn of
history. Some people simply dismiss both as being nothing more than mere superstition
or the products of an overactive imagination. However, anyone who has ever
witnessed a ghostly manifestation or unexplained supernatural phenomena
firsthand knows differently”
Gerina, “A witches guide to ghosts and supernatural” ( page 14th )
"The word
“Ghost” implies that the dead soul maintains
a presene in the realm of the living , or perhaps refuses to leave”
Illes, Judika
“The Encyclopedia of Spirit”
Spiritualistic movement has rendered an
incalculable service in bridging the gulf that used to separate the
living from the dead. The fact of
survival of bodily death, has
been established beyond any possible question by any reasonable person who will take to acquaint himself with the evidence.
Dion Fortune
Dark, late autumn, and winter nights are ideal time to work on contacting ghosts and learning about
them. In Celtic culture, October was the
last month of the year, and thus was associated
death, and ancestral working.
Ghosts are much like people, extremely variable in terms of
character and behavior. Ghosts can be useful source of information, and
powerful allies and guides, indeed. But
they may need help too. Don’t be fooled by all the new-age-wannabe-ghost
whisperers, many are extremely dangerous, and much like ( we have ) among the living,
criminals and offenders, and thus You should not “respect them and talk to
them”, least You have death-wish or at least desire to end up in mental
hospital or injured.
The veil between our and the world(s) beyond will be thin
and easy to transcend in just a few days, from the time when I’m writing this,
Samhain , Halloween, All Hallow’s eve(n) is
at the doors. The day when the
dead roam the Erathly plane, freely .
And while You are , all cozy and warmly snuggled in Your soft sofa, watching horror movies and eating candy, mind
that someone unseen, might just be watching alongside. Maybe even laughing to
all the silly Hollywood misconceptions J
Ghosts and Spirits, and ethics of Necromantic and
spiritualist practices
There is a difference between a spirit and a ghost. Simply
and plainly put, most of the spirits were never human to begin with, and they
very few that were transcended after death to something else. Ghost on the
other hand is a non-corporeal form of humans. Human being that had, by
death “shed” it’s flesh. Here is Merriam
Webster’s dicitionary definition:
“A disembodied soul; especially
the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or
to appear to the living in bodily likeness”
than this meaning, which is what we are
interested in, here, it can also mean
variety of things, such as small trails or remains of something, or can even be used to refer to an
erythrocyte that had lost it’s hemoglobin.
very term itself comes from old English
“gast”, which was probably imported from High German “geist” , both of course
signifying a , ghost, specter,
also important to differ two types of ghosts that exist, one of which, is actually not a ghost at all. There are
energetic/energy imprints, in shape, form of the
deceased, even mimicking some of their
actions, or “reenacting” their death. These are just that, energy imprints, or
“energy carryovers” [2] , they do not possess consciousness or
intelligence, they are oblivious to
their surroundings , and often repetitive
in terms of their actions. The other
type are actual ghosts, so as we said, disembodied souls of human beings, with all the possible consciousness, able to
perceive and interact with their environment and the living. While colloquially, in mundane speech is fine
to refer to both aforementioned as “ghost/s”, in occultism
only the latter is seen as ghost. It’s
also probably wise to note here, that even though I’ve been
referring ( throughout previous bits of text ) to ghosts as entities which were once
human , ghosts can, obviously come from
animals, and in very rare cases even plants.
on the other hand are creatures that lack physical body, but were not human, or
If they once have been, they’ve transcended the ghost status after their death.
The fine example of the last would be
Lillith, who was according to one Hebrew legends first Adam’s wife , but later
she became a demon. So “spirit” in mundane terms would include any
non-corporeal entity in it’s broadest meaning, often ghosts included , but in
occultism , when we use “spirit” we
refer to non-corporeal entity which was
not human, like angels, demons, fairies, djinns, elementals
and so on. Merriam Webster’s dictionary definition of spirits is as
: an animating or vital principle held to give life to
physical organisms
: a supernatural being or essence: as
a capitalized : HOLY SPIRIT
b : SOUL 2a
c : an often malevolent
being that is bodiless but can become visible; specifically :
d : a malevolent being
that enters and possesses a human being “ [3]
again, in terms of occultism, anything but what’s listed under 2. b: in the above description may apply to the
word “spirit”.
The art of communication with the
spirits for purpose of gaining information is called “necromancy”, or the art
of divination using the dead souls, or ghosts.
According to Rosemary Ellen Gulley
“The magical conjuration of the dead for the purpose of
DIVINATION. Because they are no longer bound
by the Earth plane, the spirits of the dead are believed to have
access to information beyond the capabilities of the
living. Conjured spirits are asked about the future and where
to find buried treasure.” [4]
Futhermore, R.E. Guilley explains:
“There are two types of necromancy: raising a corpse itself to
life, and summoning the spirit of the corpse. The second type is more common.”
One must understand here, that even necromantic rituals that were intended to raise
the corpse , meant summoning an entity, most often ghost which once was a
resident of body in question, to inhabit the body once again. The difference is
purely practical, it was easier to understand the ghost who inhabited , albeit
temporally a physical body and could thus speak, and even gesticulate, and
moreover, such rituals had a higher rate of success. Body was a material,
beaconing and grounding point.
These practices are most likely those addressed in Bible, in the
Exodus 22:18
“Do not
allow a sorceress to live” ( New International Version ) [6]
Even the second version is based
on King James’ translation, which is
proved not only to be fallacious in many
places, and even suspected to be intentionally translated as such. Here the word “chaspech” ( Hebrew word
translated as witch ) could as well be translated also as poisoner, and necromancer . In the Biblical times, people who did
Necromancy, did it properly, often undergoing week or more worthy of preparatory
rituals, some of which required grave profaning, stealing bones and clothes, or even eating the flesh of dogs ( in Greek
Necromantic traditions for example ) , and other, and were thus considered very
sinful and bad. Ill intentioned and misinformed people often claim how Bible
condemns the attempt to communicate with the deceased, but this is however plainly put misleading. It’s
much more likely that the Bible was condemning the methods used. Many
serious, practicing Necromancers of
modern day will readily admit they often invoke demonic spirits, to help them
evoke ghosts, and will explain how they often use actual bones, including
skulls in their rituals, perform in graveyards and so on. Christianity views such practices as
profaning, as well as most common reasons behind them ( obtaining buried treasures, finding out the
future ) profaning and sinful. In
Christianity, the dead ones are treated with respect and take important place
in ritualistic practices of Christians. So it’s not what is being done , but
rather how, which is problematic from Christian perspective.
Bible also speaks of the witch of Endor, who had conjured prophet Samuel’s spirit according to king Saul’s request, which ended up with spirit foretelling the death of king Saul. (1Sa 28:20-25)
It was widely believed
that Edward Kelly, and possibly Dr. Dee engaged in necromancy and were
supposedly prolific necromancers, but Kelly never wrote about this in his
diaries. Eliphas Levi ( XIX ) however,
well documented his own attempts of necromancy and gave extremely elaborate
instructions on how to perform evocation of the ghost of the beloved dead in his “Transcendental magick” .
A séance is an ethically more
acceptable form of necromancy, even though the mediums who most often
organize, and hold séances will call
such practices a part of “spiritualism”. Technically speaking, as You
probably already know, a séance is way
to contact and obtain information from the spirit of the dead, hence it is a
method o f necromancy. In essence spiritualism is a religion, but
certainly not one that “invented” séance.
Some famous mediums, who were renowned for their mediumship abilities, are Fox Sisters ( Katy, Margaretta and Leah ), Edward Kelly, Apollonyus of Tyana , Moses ( 1839 - 1892 ) a physical medium, Lees the kid who channeled Prince Albert , Daniel Dunglas Home ( XIX century ) etc.
Ghost and spirits
They can appear naked, although in most cases they are dressed in specific set of clothes, and they don't have to do anything, but be present to cause fear. Sheets, chain clinging and all the rest pop culture additions hardly ever happen, If ever at all. It's not quite clear though do ghosts enjoy scaring people, but some certainly seem to be enjoying.
They feed on the energy of the living, much like energy parasite, only in extremely less amount. The amount of energy they sap is often minute , and simply not enough to cause any actual harm.
Like with any living
person, characters and behavior of the
ghosts vary greatly. Don’t think for a
second that ghosts can not lie, or that they get smarter after death. Some are kind and helpful, others are liars, manipulators and users.
Experienced practitioners have their Spirit guides* to help them. Rational mind
is however the most powerful tool here.
Take what ghosts say with a grain
of salt, and If they suggest You to do silly things, the kind of which in Your
right mind You would never do, simply
end communication with such entities. That’s what most authors suggest, anyway.
I myself would, and on few occasions have,
banished such entities. New agers
would/might call that evil, I call that
defending myself.
Also beliefs and
attitudes people have developed in life, will remain , at least for a while,
even after they die. Which means, ghosts
can be biased when they speak of certain
topics, and their answers can be
influenced by what they believe in.
Ghosts who cause
material phenomena to occur, who are
angry, overly persistent or haunting,
still may be just all that, and not evil, they might just baldy need their message delivered. However in 9 of 10 cases, they are
just plainly ill intentioned , and dangerous, and such
entities, in my humble opinion should be banished/vanquished. For even if they
just want to communicate there is a line they should never really cross. Imagine person stalking You on the
street to tell You they like You, leaving You flowers, following and observing You. Such person does not plan to kill You, but
their obsessive behavior makes Your life difficult and threatens to evolve
into something more dangerous. Same case with ghosts and spirits. If they can
not play nice, neither should You, forget about the junk that people who bought
too much into “Ghost whisperer” advocate. You are not, and will never be a
ghost councilor / psychoanalyst / therapist, for there is no such thing ! Ghosts don’t need You to “guide them into the
light” there are all sort of psychopomps
that do much better job at it, than humans ever could.
Ghosts in culture(s)
“The reputed presence of
Ghosts is a selling point in many
hotels, inns, and bed-and-breakfasts”
Illes, Judika “The Encyclopedia of spirits”
Belief in the ghosts may
very well be, as old as human race itself.
The prehistoric cavemen painted bones of
deceased ones with red paint, which is generally interpreted by anthropologists and sociologists alike, as
an attempt to ensure that their ghost
“survives” and passes into
afterlife. Egyptian, Ancient
Greek and Roman culture had all these extremely elaborate ceremonies and cultic
worshiping of ancestors. Just read up on Egyptian book of the dead a bit.
All these fascinating rituals, that where done to ensure the safe passing of
the soul in the afterlife.
Mummification or embalming, afterlife amulets, mouth opening, gifts for
the otherworld etc. Body had to be preserved in a very specific way,
tombs had to be build in a very specific way, even the pyramidion had to be made according to
specific guidelines. Ankh amulets and
Scarabs, and small marble “fayan” charms/figurine were left in tombs , all followed with certain
invocations and words of power. Failing to do any properly, could mean that
the sould will not end in the afterlife.
Romans held festivities
to appease the dead, who were often very feared, and notorious, as they would ,
according to ancint Roman belfs , often
come back as Lemures or Larvae** .
These were the ghosts of the
drowned people , executed criminals
, childless people, or non placated
ancestors [9] in essence very dangerous
and volatile souls that feed on energy of the living, haunted their dwellings
or even murdering them, or driving them
to suicide. It is no wonder then, that
the whole month of May was reserved for
various exorcism ceremonies, to banish
the angry dead souls , although the 9th, 11th and 13th of May
were the central points of the festival, called Lemuralia or Lemuria. An
illustrative formula, using black beans and banishment of the angry and
dangerous ancestral ghosts was described by Ovid:
“It was the head of the household who was responsible for getting up at
midnight and walking around the house with bare feet throwing out black beans
and repeating the incantation, "I send these; with these beans I redeem me
and mine (haec ego mitto; his redimo
meque meosque fabis.)." nine times. The household would then clash
bronze pots while repeating, "Ghosts of my fathers and ancestors, be gone
“nine times.” [10]
In Slavic cultures, ghosts
were equally feared and respected, and they were believed to be able to
inhabit a tree ( particularly Pyrus tree, or Elder in Balkan peninsula ) , or
even a stone and thus render them “shadowed” or inhabited by ghosts. Even the
notorious vampires are rather sort of ghosts than actual risen corpses , how
the popular media tries to depict them.
In essence they were ghosts that somehow
retained astral and most often ethereal husk ( body ) after physical death, and
even the astral cord, and would drain
blood and energy to sustain their physical bodies. Garlic, Hawthorn and Basil
were seen as universal protection agents against ghosts and vampires, in Slavic cultures, as
well as some animal curios , and pretty much no household would allow themselves to run out
of those, particularly during winter and so called “unbaptized days”
Reverence of the
Ancestral ghosts is one of the
cornerstones of Vodoun, and consequently New Orleans Voodoo. Christian people respect their beloved dead,
light candles for them and pray for them.
Modern celebrations of festivals associated with dead and ghosts are popular even today, such as Halloween, Chinese Ghost month and “Dia de los Muertos” or the Day of the Dead in Latin America and Spain.
NOTES: This article was written and composed by myself, hence If You wish to use parts of it elsewhere online, feel free, but add credits : Shadow of Shadow's magick place , Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a direct link to this post
*In spiritualism Spirit Guides are
almost exclusively ghosts, who make
friendly relations with medium and are always around them , particularly when
they perform the séances , to guide and advise them, as well as provide certain
degree of protection. Not to be confused with
so called “doorkeepers” who allow certain spirits to pass through during séances or necromantic
rituals, and negate “entrance” to others.
In more broad sense ( outside spiritualism, in general occultism )
spirit guide can be an entity that
never was human to begin with, an Angel for example.
[2] “Energy carryover” is a term used by Arthur Myres in his work “The Ghostly Register”
[3] Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spirit
[4] from: Guiley Rosemary, Ellen, “Encyclopedia of magic and alchemy” page 215th
[5] As under [4]
[6] Retrieved from http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2022%3A18&version=KJV;NIV
[7] According to the writings of Raymond Buckland in his : “Bukland’s book of spirit communication” ( Llewellyn publications, 2004th ) , chapter III
[8] read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_burial_customs
[9] According to Judika Illes “The Encyclopedia of Spirits” , page 627th
[10] Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemuria_(festival)
[11] Judika Illes, The “Encyclopedia of spirits”
[12] Retrieved from ( the numbers ) : http://www.gallup.com/poll/17275/onethird-americans-believe-dearly-may-departed.aspx
IMAGE CREDITS : First image is from: http://www.thedungeons.com/berlin/images/main-images/the-white-lady.jpg used here for illustrative purposes without any ill will
Modern celebrations of festivals associated with dead and ghosts are popular even today, such as Halloween, Chinese Ghost month and “Dia de los Muertos” or the Day of the Dead in Latin America and Spain.
In modern days,
ghosts have became a prominent part of popular culture, and belief
or rather disbelief. According to Gallup, 1/3 of Americans ( 32% ) believes in
ghosts, and it seems how the percentage
of people who believe decreases with the age
[12] . The modern stories about ghostly haunting and
sightings are endless, and in my humble opinion most are fake or fabricated. And that’s because ghostly haunting have
became a profitable tourist beaconing tool. Just read the quotation at the begging
of this article section. They are also
frequent motives in literature and movies, such as “The Centerville Ghost” short story
by Oscar Wilde, or even his novel “The picture of Dorian Gray” , movies
such as “The Other’s” , “Volver” ,
“White noise”, “Pulse”, “Shutter” , then
TV shows like “Being human” , “Medium”,
and even the sappy “Ghost whisperer” , which, while being fun to watch, is not
even a remotely accurate about how
people should actually deal with
ghosts. The Halloween as a modern day holiday, based upon old beliefs serves to even further popularize and use
ghosts as both spiritual, and plainly
commercial motif.
** Although based on Anicent Roman beliefs, Larvae,
singular Larva, meaning possessed or
masked, is actually a middleage Latin term rather than ancient, now seen as;
archaic Latin
[2] “Energy carryover” is a term used by Arthur Myres in his work “The Ghostly Register”
[3] Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/spirit
[4] from: Guiley Rosemary, Ellen, “Encyclopedia of magic and alchemy” page 215th
[5] As under [4]
[6] Retrieved from http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2022%3A18&version=KJV;NIV
[7] According to the writings of Raymond Buckland in his : “Bukland’s book of spirit communication” ( Llewellyn publications, 2004th ) , chapter III
[8] read more about it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_burial_customs
[9] According to Judika Illes “The Encyclopedia of Spirits” , page 627th
[10] Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemuria_(festival)
[11] Judika Illes, The “Encyclopedia of spirits”
[12] Retrieved from ( the numbers ) : http://www.gallup.com/poll/17275/onethird-americans-believe-dearly-may-departed.aspx
IMAGE CREDITS : First image is from: http://www.thedungeons.com/berlin/images/main-images/the-white-lady.jpg used here for illustrative purposes without any ill will
Second image is from : http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/36/4a/03/364a03bf4e9229bc318fb35333c2d334.jpg used for illustrative purposes only , edited here by me, without
any ill will
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