Hoodoo reversing spells
An important “branch” of Hoodoo apotropaic magick
are Reversing spells. They are used alone, or with other Uncrossing or Jinx
removal methods to counter, and reverse crossings done on clients or ourseves,
especially, when the crossing is strong, persistent and life/health
threatening. Also, most of old time
style practitioners, shall suggest reversing supplies and spells, If evil spirits had been sent to torment one, or
have decided on themselves, to oppress

Such spells tend to utilize many items , but some more frequently than others such as
*Reversible candles – red wax inside, black outside, reflecting hidden nature of our oppressor, and hence being very handy , If we don’t know who our attacker exactly is. The double action candles are used as well, except it’s important that they be butted, and then burnt upside down with the enemy’s name written backwards on black part. I wrote on butting candle techniques earlier , in Candle magick post “Conjuring a light” . If the name of the enemy is to be inscribed on such candle, it's most often done in "mirror fashion" that is written in reverse, the way it would appear reflectd in mirror
* Reversible or Reversing oil – A condition oil containing Rue herb , Eucalyptus essential oil or leaves and other ingredients that Reverse spells used on someone, send them back , or strong cleansing and uncrossing agents as well
*Crabshell powder – as it’s recorder it’s use by African witchdoctors to remove and reverse harmful magick from one -selves and others, by means of powdering the body. Also, Crabs are marine animals that “walk backwards”, so according to the doctrine of signatures , makes sense to be used to magickaly send something back, reverse.
*Charms, talismans – Such as Cimmaruta, or Mano Poderosa, symbols believed to deflect evil back to caster. Lapis lazouli stone is said to have same metaphysical properties, to deflect evil back, to it’s source.
*Mirrors – who’d eve r say huh? Lol Due to their natural ability to deflect , light and create opposite image, they are used in Magick and Hoodoo likewise to reverse evil spells and spirits
These type of spells are quite often preformed repeatedly, for nine
consecutive nights, if the crossing or jinx is long standing and old,
persistent or very dangerous. Sometimes, like with the mirror box spell, this
type of spells are preformed only once.
It’s vise to note that sometimes a very strong
protection may act as reversal , but in
such case, will reverse only spells, cast after such protection was
established. Often Saints are invoked to help in such work, or Angels, most
commonly St. Michael The Archangel or St. Cyprian, when evil spirits are
involved. Sometimes, when our enemy is unknown or very far away, or we have no clues regarding their residence, we are suggested using Glass encased, prefixed vigils , which are very strong, and should be burnt on mirror. But keep one thing in mind : they have to be poured black on top, red bellow wax, or otherwise You can even hurt Yourself!!! You can find plenty of suppliers , even by simple inline search which offer then poured like normal, non glass encased double action , red wax on black. Glass encased candles are fixed and can not be butted and burnt upside down, hence, once again, poured in such manner they are either good for crossing someone or harming Yourself. People sometimes glue picture of enemy inversed where the black wax part of glass encased Reversing vigil is, and their own, in normal, upside position where the read wax is, but the two must never touch each other !
Perhaps the
most drastical method of reversing Hoodoo magick spells is so called “Mirror
box spell” which is essentially a crossing, and therefore , requires cleansing
methods afterwards. It’s most often used when the enemy is well known, and refuses to stop doing
Reversing Hoodoo candle spell

1. Place Reversible/Reversing candle on mirror
2. Encircle it with Crabshell powder sprinkled in clockwise direction
3. Dress the candle ( I do it form middle to end ) with Reversing oil
4. Read Psalm 37th and add a personal Petition so that the spell will be reversed
Some people also read Psalm 55th for Reversal, Revenge and Righteous Punishment
This is particularly useful in case of very strong spells or when evil spirits are sent to torment one.
Remaining materials are disposed of, away from Your property , If You know the name of person that is to blame for Your condition , bury the remaining items ( materials ) in their yard, to even further supercharge the spell. It is however fine If You are unable.
Charms for
reversing evil magick
• Hung nine Devil shoestrings on a thread with one
Devil's bit root in the middle. Sprinkle all lightly either with Florida water
, whiskey or dress with some Run De*il run , Reversing or protection oil. Hung
above door or bed. • Buy a new Round mirror with wooden frame. On the frame draw protection symbols ( such as runes or European Grimoire symbols and seals ). Dress it lightly with Van Van oil or Reversible oil. Set above the doors.
• Place Bad nut on Your doors , it shall act as door guardian and will reverse all evil coming Your way.
Reversing Incense:
· Rue
· Frankincense
· Sage
· OPTIONAL: Pinch of Cayenne
Bur in accompany to spells and rituals to reverse
evil upon caster. In her book, Miss Catherine
Yronwode, a hoodoo authority, suggests mixing up Rue and Wood Betony for
reversing incense, or Rue, Saltpetre and Cayenne as powerful reversing
Reversing jar spell
Into a jar , place Asafoetida, Black hen feather/s, Blackberry leaves, Vandal root, and some item associated with attacker, such as hair, nailclipings or at least name paper with their name written “in mirror fashion”, in reverse mode, that is. Urinate into bottle while cursing the attacker, cap and seal with black candle wax.
Then place the black candle on top of the jar, and read Psalm 55th , and also Psam 37th 14-15 lines:
“The wicked draw the sword
and bend the bow
to bring down the poor and needy,
to slay those whose ways are upright.
15 But their swords will pierce their own hearts,
and their bows will be broken” NIV [2]
Let it burn all the way down, and then bury the jar where Your attacker shall pass ( walk ) over it. Any spell they might have put on You shall return to them.
Mirror box spell
Mirror box spell may very well be a Hoodoo variation of popular New Orleans Voodoo Hoodoo coffin curse. It calls for a carboard or wooden box inlayed with six mirrors, in which an image of the accursed is placed, usually lain over piled up Spanish moss and sprinkled with powders, such as Asafoetida powder, or Cayenne powder, dried Sage and Crabshell powder. Then the box is “prayed over” with words that speak of inability of aggressor to hurt anyone but themselves least they will stop with their wicked doings, and that the more they insist, the more they hurt themselves. Hoodooists warn that the mirrors used for the inlay of the box must be new, and must not, by no means, “caught” practitioners image.
As said near the beginning of this article this is somewhat as crossing method, and as such requires personal cleansing as suggested in Hoodoo , after such work.
A very nice example of Hoodoo Mirror Box Spell , is kindly shared on Lucky Mojo Website. On another place there is an example of Hoodoo Mirror box spell with a doll, instead of image candle used as effigy, and for ideas on how to properly consecrate Voodoo dolls for such and alike work, as well as information on New Orleans Coffin Curse I warmly suggest books by Miss Denise Alvarado.
Boiling the heart
A folk magick method, often employed in Hoodoo, most likely dateing back to Old Egypt, called for heart to be boiled in water, at the stove, on Midnight, sticking pins in it, as it boils. It’s said to be enough to do this so the witch will have pains, and spell upon one be reversed or broken, as noted by folklorist Harry Middletone Hyatt.
I’m thinking, maybe one could do well, If we would just boil the name paper of the perpetrator ( or just write enemy ) in Four thieves vinegar to which we have added some Cayenne and possibly some Crabshell powder. Of place those in jar, and place jar on the mirror.
And now, "a little bit of Langikappe", for comparission, an illustrative exaple of one of the spiritual methods popular in urban European witchraft , used for reversing evil spells back on caster
European binding/reversing evil to agressor spell
This very powerful spell, traditional , modern European witchraft spell/ritual, utilizes binding, as a method to reverse evil back to caster. The concept is not that far fetched when one really thinks of it, for the person is symbolically binded to mirror , and a sympathetic hand ( domination, restraining ) and thus forced to face the consequences of reversing power of Your spell, should they keep on ( insist ) on doing harm
One is instructed to place a photo of the one;s oppressor facing a mirror, and on the back of the photo an extened ( so it looks like hand ) black glove is placed. One is to place some Agrimony , Black Pepper or Cayenne and Sage, or a mixture of them, in the glove and then tie all those together chanting some soothing words of power, let's say something along these lines:
"All evil and misfortune You send to me,
Reversed back upon Yourself shall be
Untill You stop with it, and repent for what You have done,
Except Yourself, You will not harm anyone,
Face the mirror , power and justice
every day untill You;ve meet repentance
And by the power of the Three
As I wish so mote it be!"
It would be ideal If we would never had the need for such spells, but alas we do, hope the post was informative and helpful. Blessings , Shadow !
It would be ideal If we would never had the need for such spells, but alas we do, hope the post was informative and helpful. Blessings , Shadow !
NOTES: This article was composed and written by myself, so If You desire to use any part of it elswhere feel free, but add credits: Shadow of Shadows magic k place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com , or at least a direct link to this post
The literature consulted includes above mentioned book [1],
“Voodoo Hoodoo spelbook” by Miss Denise Alvarado, site www.luckymojo.com , H.M.Hyatt work
Folklore in Adams county Illinois”
IMAGE CREDITS: Taken or drawn by myself
so is this a kosher thing to do?
jewish traditional bounds?
@Fat Lip it's hard for me to say/judge. It's a Hoodoo spell. Hoodoo is pretty much void of institutionalized ethics, including religions, thus including Judaism.
Then again, there are outright nasty curses, that devoted Kabbala practitioners find "kosher" under given circumstances.
I personally think that If someone is making a living he*l of Your life, and You did not deserve that, If they are persistent and You can not dedicate great deal of Your time uncrossing over and over, and removing what they send... then yeah, it seems like a pretty justified course of actions to me.
But at the end of the day, it's upon You and Your personal morals to figure out :)
Dear Shadow,
Thanks for the description of reversing technique! I really needed a clear instruction. :)
I have a one question. Can I not bury the reversing jar? I want to keep it like a vinegar jar and shake it as and when I feel I need to reverse curses done to me. I can't continue to burn reversing candles few times a week (That's not the kind of life I want to lead). The candle is working but the enemy won't stop planting new curses. It is a wicked one that rejoices in causing harm.
Many thanks.
Hello Veronica, and thank You for reading and kind words
Well, burying the jar in their yard is a form of perpetuating it's magick. That is, being somewhere where they will keep passing above it, symbolically stepping on it, will keep reversing any work they do to You, constantly.
Yeah burning candles atop it would make a good substitution, but as You finely noted, it's a demanding, and time consuming job.
Have You though about binding them? Putting them in an "ice cube", metaphorically? Or also, You could make a reversing mojo hand! This is how I've dealt away with a vile person, who much like in Your case, kept coming at me. The mojo hand, once ready will work restlessly and deflect their evil, and it will require but a few drops of oil, or some whiskey once or twice per month to feed it.
Many Blessings,
What is the best way to do this on someone else's behalf? Using a black over red candle. Not a black AND red candle, but the red candle that has been dipped in black wax. The type to reverse all bad luck/jinxes.
I want to thank Dr.Agbazara for his job in my family, this is man who left me and the kids for another woman without any good reasons, i was pain and confuse,till one day when i was browsing through the internet with my computer then i saw Dr.Agbazara contact, then i contaced him and he help me cast a reunion spell, since I then the situation has changed, everything is moving well, my husband who left me is now back to his family. reach DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE via email if you have any relationship problem at:
( agbazara@gmail.com )
OR whatsapp or call him on +2348104102662
Hi after binding the mirror photo and glove what do we do with it, I mean do we put it a dark place or what?
hello. i have a big problem, please help me. Someone was harceling me 9 years before with voodoo in front of my home, using my pics... i went to the police , they convoqued her(my step mother by my father).
Anyways, she get the police and they leave the cause.
but she continue to harcele me... so i turn on hoodoo and black magic books . i did one ritual that name some wisked angel ... i had to put a black powder mix hoodoo on a enveloppe and put a prayer and her photo, to tell her to leave me alone. she went to police and now i have problem with the court for harcelement.
Excuse my english
my question is (eightpermy nail) what that mean i foud that in the book of hoodoo?
Thank you for the absolutely amazing spell cast . It has helped me understand many things about the man I love and I am sure that with the help of your spiritual work I will be able to secure his heart. Thank you Dr. Todd from the bottom of my heart! e-mail (manifestspellcast@gmail.com or manifestspellcast@yahoo.com)
Wow you are very bad at spelling and grammar
Hello to you all on this site it brings me so much joy and happiness today so i decided to share my happiness and testimony to you all, my name is Sophia am from New York am 38 years old i was married to Mr Mitchnick Hunfrey he is north America we have 3 grown up children. two years ago my husband said he needs a divorce that he is no longer interested in the marriage that was how my husband left me with the children and moved to another state with his new girlfriend who charmed him. I traveled to greet my friend and her family during Christmas celebration then i explained to her, how my husband has abandon me and my children for a period of time and be with another woman, and my friend told me about Dr Ogbefun the great spell caster who had helped her in the past before, when i contacted him with his email via ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com i explain to him, how my Husband has been with another woman for two year now and that's the problem am facing in my marriage now and i need to end it by killing her, and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him, he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than a week she die, she slept and never woke up, and truly my husband come back apologizing that he never knew what came over him my husband apologize to me and we are happy family now. all thanks to dr ogbefun you can contact Dr Ogbefun for any death spell, such as killing your superior in the office and take his or her place.spell for increase in salaries, spell for promotion at the office, spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact him now via email ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680
Dear friends, This is my personal life experiences on marriage-breakthrough testimony, i decided to share with you all out here, because i believe this will save a broken home and to bring back lost love to some of us who are heart broken or seeking to find true love. First of all i want you all to join me thank this great man gods sent to restoring my marriage from separation. My husband dump me last 3 years to meet another lady in close neighborhood, we had two kids together. but yet my husband always find fault in me, my husband don't trust me anymore, I told a colleague at work about my marriage issues, my friend introduced me to email Herbalist for help. I send a message to the email address my friend gave to me..
i work and follow Herbalist instruction and it surprise me that after 3 Days of casting the magic love spell, so surprisingly my husband Anderson called me on phone, asking me to forgive and accept him back as husband, i was happy and i accepted him with all my heart. now myself and my husband are fully back together as husband and wife, we are very happy family today because one man use Power and Talent to restore my marriage. thanks to this god sent man herbalist-man for the great work.. i promised Dr.Oduduwa that i will share my good news testimony of his good work to people all over the world, I have positive intention that someone's broken marriage will be restored if you can contact this great love spell man for help. dear friends you reading this post comment now, you are very lucky to have this information, in case you are out there passing through any relationship crisis or infidelity in marriage, quickly contact Dr.Oduduwa personal email contact: (dr.oduduwaspellcaster@ gmail. com) it work for me within 48 hours my ex husband started calling my cell phone number to apologize and he returned back home asap. i believe it will work for you too, that is why i sharing this article out here
- Get your ex love back.
- Stop Divorce and Restore your marriage
- Win back Trust from your lover
- Stop Nightmares or bad dreams at night.
- Get a quick and urgent promotion in your job office.
- You want women/men to be attracted to you.
- If you want to give birth to your own child.
- Spell to Powers, Wealth and Fame.
- Spell to Win LOTTO winning Games magic numbers.
- Herbal care and healing of any blood disease.
Dr.Oduduwa will perform all the love spell ritual procedure on your behalf, you don't have to do anything just await your instant result within 7 days of love spelling prayers. it work for me immediately love spell was activated into air at Oduduwa Temple. there is no stressing oneself lighting candle sticks at home. everything will be done perfectly without side effect.
"Crabshell powder sprinkled in clockwise direction"
counterclockwise because you are reversing
This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I visited here online on the 17 June and i saw a marvelous testimony of Tracie Adana from United States on the forum about the good works DR.tunde I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR.tunde did a marvelous work for me that restored my marriage of 4 years by getting back my husband back i just as i read on the internet. I'm Carolina peter I was truly shocked when my husband knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept him back. I am really short of words to use to show my appreciation to DR.tunde For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of my marriage. Contact him now for any kind of help via Email:babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com or you can contact his whats-app mobile line +2348143581382 Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, PREGNANCY, DIABETES AND MORE
My name is Sandra James and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 14 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me and our two twins. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Ehi which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Sonia, she testified about how Dr Ehi brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days and reverse the effect of their little boys cancer, and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Ehi 's e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Dr Ehi a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Ehi is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try Dr Ehi anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact {shomorikaspelltemple@yahoo.com} or {shomorikasolutiontemple@hotmail.com} by phone :+2349035080936 Thank you Dr Ehi.
This is the website I read about Doctor Benson and contacted him to help me get my ex boyfriend back to marry me during the month of December this year and I have come back here to post about him. Doctor Benson will help you solve your problem no matter what you are going through. Posting about a spell caster is very strange to me because I never believed i will be able to say that I was helped by a spell caster in bringing my ex boyfriend back to me after 3 years of no contact. I read about his voodoo spell from other websites and contacted him to help me and in less than 48 hours my ex boyfriend called me and I was happy that he wants to get back to me. We met on Friday and he proposed to me,... It was the most beautiful ring. Please everyone out here, Contact Doctor to solve your problem for you and make you happy with your relationship that is hurting you. Love is the best feeling ever experienced. Email him at drbensonspellcaster09@gmail.com or WhatsApp number:+2348141972381.
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three (3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster Dr Azuka have help a man to get back her wife and i gave him a reply to his email (dr.azukasolutionhome@gmail.com) and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 24 hours that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Azuka..or add him up on whats-app +44 7520 636249
Hello I'm From Memphis Tennessee, USA I feel so joyful today because of the help Dr Sunny has rendered to me for getting my Husband back with his spell. I have been married for 4 years and it has been so terrible because my husband was cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce. But when i came across Dr Sunny Email, on the internet posted by a lady, i decided to get in touch with him and i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case for there is no problem without a solution. Here i am celebrating because my Husband is back home and am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Sunny is truly a real spell caster. Why not contact Dr Sunny now if you are facing any challenges in your relationship life. Email solutioncentre911@gmail.com Also specialize i1) love Spell
2) Spells divorce
Whats,App. him now +2348145810121 Hello Everyone , my name is Reema i am from Ohio United states, i just want everyone to know about Dr Sambo , he helped me win a lot of money few weeks ago on lottery, i have played a couple of times and i have never won , i contacted him and he gave me some lucky winning numbers , and he also instructed me on how to go about it , i played and i won $10,000,000 TEN MILLION DOLLARS , i have never seen such money all my life , but with the help of Dr Sambo , now i have that much , if you ever need help in getting money to pay for anything , do not hesitate to contact him , he will always be there to help you.contact him via his Email: divinespellhome@gmail.com
Hello there. I want to share the testimony of how I got my ex-back by dr
Uneme . I was bitterly denied of wedding after engagement not until I saw
the testimony of one person on love page who commented on how dr Uneme
helped her I decided to try my luck and it worked out just has dr promised.
My life has been filled with happiness. This post is my way of saying,
thank you. You can contact him on WhatsApp +2348143813120 he is such a nice
Save Your Relationship and Get Your husband, I don`t know how to really thank Dr Ralph. My Name is Morreen Dolly i am from Norway, i was dating this man who i loved very much for over four years now without any problem in our relationship. so at a point he changed so suddenly after returning from the office and started behaving so strangely. it even got to the extent that he told me it was over and i should never call him again. This was a person that loved me with everything that he had. When i told my friend jenny what happened, she introduced me to a great spell caster Dr Ralph, the priest of all spell caster. At first sight this man told me all my problems that it was his secretary that used a charm on him. Dr Ralph told me not to worry that he will help me solve the problem. The following day, i was in the house in a sober mood when i first received a message from my husband that he was very sorry and before i dropped the phone, he called me again to say he is on his way home and that he was truly sorry for everything. To my greatest surprise, one week later he engaged me and we got married. He can also help you cast spell like Love spells, Pregnancy spell, Lottery winning spell, Business improvement spell, Cure for any kind of sickness like :Cancer, diabetes, HIV/Aids E.T.C, Financial spell , And many more. All Thanks to Dr Ralph. You can contact him through the following means. Email: Ralphspellsolution@gmail.com or Whatsapp on +2347037816417.
Are you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage? contact Dr BAKABA for fast 48 hours solution. I had a problem with my husband a year and six months ago, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across Dr BAKABA on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problem. I emailed Him and I told Him my problem and i did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than 48 HOURS, my Husband gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us. Finally I am writing this testimony to offer my thanks and deep gratitude to you Dr BAKABA for keeping to your words and your promises in bringing him back to me in just 48 hours of your powerful spell casting, and for using your gifted and great powers to bring him back. If you need his help, you can email him at ( bakabaspelltemple@gmail.com ) or add Dr BAKABA on WhatsApp ( +2347063836098 ) or call him get all your problems solve No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him now THANKS TO Dr BAKABA
All thanks to the might spell caster Dr okeke i can't believe I got my husband back to me again. with the help of Dr okeke spell I had read some stuff about Dr. okeke on the internet how he help people restore there marriage or relationship before i contact him he said he will help me bring him back to me I never wanted to believe him because of what I went through of those fake people who claims to be spell caster but i didn't know that all those great stuff I read about Dr okeke were so real and accurate until i got my ex back, after Dr okeke asking for my picture and my husband picture after some time Dr okeke call me and told me my husband is coming back home within 2days it was like a joke to me but i was so surprise that my husband who lift me about 5months ago came back to me within 2days asking for my forgiveness After getting my ex back i taught it wise to share my testimony and the good work of Dr okeke with every one on this website I know most people will not believe this testimony because of those fake people online who claims to be a spell caster well am telling the world now there are still real and truthful spell caster and Dr okeke is one of the best and true spell caster i have ever see contact Dr okeke today your problem will be solved Dr okeke is real and truthful spell caster that rebuild any broken relationship or marriage with love spell. Do feel free to Contact Dr okeke via email:( writelovespell@gmail.com.) or reach him on WhatsApp (+2348140443360) he the solution to your problem and predicament HE CAN ALSO HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING PROBLEM
MY HUSBAND IS BACK WITH THE GREAT HELP OF LORD SAN LOVE SPELL I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored my ex husband is back after he left me and our 2kids for another woman. i was so happy to meet LORD SAN how he help many people to bring there Lover back so i contact him to help me too. that was how help me to bring my husband back.. A big thank to you LORD SAN because I never thought my ex Husband will be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and world greatest. if you are here and you need your Ex Lover back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact:
Email him at: moneytemple@outlook.com You can also Call/Whats App:+447482854279
You can also visit his website:https://thetempleofmoney.com/
MY HUSBAND IS BACK WITH THE GREAT HELP OF LORD SAN LOVE SPELL I'm so excited my broken Marriage has been restored my ex husband is back after he left me and our 2kids for another woman. i was so happy to meet LORD SAN how he help many people to bring there Lover back so i contact him to help me too. that was how help me to bring my husband back.. A big thank to you LORD SAN because I never thought my ex Husband will be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and world greatest. if you are here and you need your Ex Lover back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact:
Email him at: moneytemple@outlook.com You can also Call/Whats App:+447482854279
You can also visit his website:https://thetempleofmoney.com/
HOW I GOT RID OF MY HERPES Virus WITH THE HELP OF DR OJOKA. Greetings to the general public, i want to inform the general public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Dr OJOKA. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and is Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor Dr OJOKA cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took as instructed and it seriously worked for me, i am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr OJOKA God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem like HIV/AID, CANCER,HERPATITIS,DIABETES,HPV,INFECTION ETC. Reach him on his Email Address at=== drojokarootandherbal@gmail.com or you can contact him on WHATS APP FOR EASY ACCESS at +2348144172934
When I found Dr. OKISIN I was desperate in need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact Dr. OKISIN through his Whats app number +2348109374702 and He told me me what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and then he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since Dr. OKISIN helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends Dr. OKISIN to anyone in need of help. Email: dr.okisinsolutiontemple@gmail.com Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2348109374702 ..,,,..,,,..
MY Name Hanna Rosin, form, (USA) After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact
Call/WhatsApp: +2347064365391
Email: drosasu25@gmail.com
MY Name Hanna Rosin, form, (USA) After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Osasu can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr Osasu . he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. Osasu real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact
Call/WhatsApp: +2347064365391
Email: drosasu25@gmail.com
I am writing this comment with tears of joy. My marriage fell apart after 6 months because my mother In-law asked my husband to divorce me and marriage the woman she betroth to him as his wife. All this drama started happening in our marriage and my husband left me and our one month baby just so he could do as his mom wants him to.
I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me. I could not continue with work and baby responsibilities so I quit working. Things became more difficult until my best friend advised me to meet a love doctor that fixed her marriage with a RETURN LOVER SPELL that works as fast as 12 hours after casting the spell. I concord and decided to contact this spell doctor and guess what. My husband came to my mom house with his family in less than 12 hours after casting the spell. Even his mom came back asking me for forgiveness and also to reconcile with my husband who left me. They have been coming for the past 3 days and now everyone is asking me to take him back. I am so grateful for what this love spell doctor has done for me. I am thinking of accepting his apologize and move on as family just as my mom advised.
Anyone who wants their lover back should write to love doctor on Love Spell doctor on lovespelldoctor0@gmail. com
God bless you as you find your happiness through this testimony.
This is the website I read about Doctor Okaka and contacted him to help me get my ex boyfriend back to marry me during the month of December last year and I have come back here to post about him. Doctor Okaka will help you solve your problem no matter what you are going through. Posting about a spell caster is very strange to me because I never believed i will be able to say that I was helped by a spell caster in bringing my ex boyfriend back to me after 3 years of no contact. I read about his voodoo spell from other websites and contacted him to help me and in less than 48 hours my ex boyfriend called me and I was happy that he wants to get back to me. We met on Friday and he proposed to me,... It was the most beautiful ring. Please everyone out here, Contact Doctor to solve your problem for you and make you happy with your relationship that is hurting you. Love is the best feeling ever experienced. Email him at drokaka18@gmail.com or WhatsApp number:+2348141972381.
Hello everyone , I was totally broken when the love of my life left me it was so hard for me and I almost gave up if not for a friend who directed me to a very good and powerful man called Dr Ralph who helped me bring back the love of my life and now he treat me with so much love and care. I don’t know what kind of problem you are passing through but with what he did for me I know he can help you. So try and talk to him on WhatsApp on: +2347037816417 Or email at: Ralphspellsolution@gmail.com. He has a permanent solution to any type of problems such as: Lottery Spell, Love Spell, Power Spell, Psychic reading, Success Spell, Cure of any sickness, Pregnancy Spell, Marriage Spell,Job Spell, Protection Spell,Win court Case Spell, Luck Spell and many more.
I'm from USA i want to testify of a great and powerful spell caster my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when i called him he did not pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce i was so sad i cried all night he left again i was so lonely the next day i was searching for something online when i found a spell caster called Dr Oselumen who have helped so many people with their problems so i contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24hrs and my husband will be back to me i did every thing he told me to do and the next day my husband came back home kneeling and begging to forgive he canceled the divorce we are now happy together Dr Oselumen can help you too email: droselumen@gmail.com or call or add him on whatsapp +2348054265852
I am very sure of this greatman called Dr Uneme . His spells work correctly
and faster he will even do a goodluck charm that wil make things to be
easier for you i cant thank him enough contact him for any spiritual work
love spell any thing you all want on +2348143813120
My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on (daveloganloanfirm@gmail.com and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.
Hello everyone, I am from new york!! I want To thank Dr. OGEDEGBE for the help he rendered me, my husband came back to me after he abandoned me and my kids for over 2 years for another woman, Dr OGEDEGBE lovespell made him come back with so much love. I never really believe i can ever get my husband back again to myself and to my kids, Dr OGEDEGBE lovespell work is great and he is a man of his words, i am so happy to be at your testimony page to share my happiness….. if you need His help you Can contact him and he will make you happy. His email dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.com or whatsapp +2348109374702...
TESTIMONY ON HOW I GOT MY LOAN FROM A GENUINE FINANCE COMPANY LAST WEEK. Email for immediate response: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com
I am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE (drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com) gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email: drbenjaminfinance@gmail.com
When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Miguel direct you Good Luck....
Hi everyone, I am Sharon. from Poland I want to use this medium to appreciate Dr Ogbeifun the great black magic death spells caster for the successful death spells he cast on someone for me. I contacted him when my husband left me for another woman who uses witchcraft power to take my husband. I was desperately in need of help when I found his contacts online about his genuine powers. I told him my situation and how I wanted the bitch who took my husband gone. He told me not to worry. He cast the death spells ritual on her and the bitch died in her sleep within 24hours. Now my husband is back home and we are living happily. Thank you so much Dr Ogbeifun, You are so real and true. Below is his contacts in case you want to contacts him
Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com
A big thanks to Dr Oselumen i never believe that there still exist a real death spell caster after all this years of disappointment from the enormous spammers on the Internet who go about scamming people, until i was opportune to meet Dr Oselumen a real spell caster, through a close friend called Jennifer who Dr oselumen had helped before, when i contacted him with his email via droselumen@gmail.com i explain how my ex have been giving me problem in my marriage, he never allowed me a moment of peace, and i need to end it by killing him, and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him, he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than a week my ex was dead, he slept and never woke up all thanks to Dr Oselumen indeed he's really a humble man. you can contact dr oselumen for any death spell, such as to kill your superior in the office and take his or her place, death spell to kill your father and inherit his wealth ,death spell to kill anyone who have scammed you in the past ,spell for increase in salaries, spell for promotion at the office, spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact him now via Email droselumen@gmail. com call or add him on whatsapp +2348054265852.
Hello to the general public i want to testify of a good love spell caster called peter wise popularly known as dr noble he brought back my ex who have left me for 3 months now after we had a little fight she told me she doesn't want to be with me anymore because she found someone else i was so sad because i love her so much, i told my friend about it and he gave me Prophet peter email ID and i contacted him he told me everything will be fine i did everything he asked me to do and he told me after 24 hours my girlfriend will come back to me and the next day to my greatest surprise it was my girlfriend knocking at my door she knelt down begging me to forgive and accept her back. Now we are happy together all thanks to Prophet Peter reaching out to him now for an ex back spell , love spell. spell to cancel a divorce or to cause a divorce and death spell to silence your enemies, call or chat him up on whatsapp via + 2349059610643 or noblesolutiontemple. com
Hello everyone.....my name is Charlotte Nelson and I am here to tell you how I overcame HERPES. It all started 3 years ago when i was diagnosed with herpes, at first i thought all hope as every medication i tried never worked on me , but i realized it will be better if i speak out loud and who knows i might get help instead of dying in silence, one day, when i was scrolling through some comments related to genital herpes i started seeing so many comments which most of them i believed was a scam and i kept scrolling, 4 days after i overheard a very close friend of mine talking about Dr Sam of @thegreatcurehome and his herbal medicine,i decided to give it a try. Dr Sam sent me some herbs and instructed me on how to apply it . After using it for days I started seeing results. My body was getting cleared and most of the affected areas were cleared. 2 months later i went for a checkup and the result came out negative and that was how i was cured from herpes, no more outbreak and no more visiting the doctor cause am now herpes free all thanks to Dr sam. You can contact dr sam for cure to ALS,MND,MS,PARKINSON and every other sickness and diseases via thegreatcure5@gmail.com or add him on Whatsapp +2349133200695...
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