[ IMAGE 1: My drawing depicting creation of rapport between energy vampire and unssuspecting sleeper , through heart chakras ]
NOTE : Semantics before all: Energy parasite is a psychic vampire of some sort that accidentally drains energy from another living being, or more living beings. That is the occult definition. However I disagree respectfully, as You need to have conscious desire, at least at lowest level of Your conscious being to start any sort of occult attack. In it's most basic form energy parasitism is an occult attack. In the text that follows I will be using the terms interchangeably ( psychic vampire, energy vampire, and energy vampire and energy parasite )
Ever had that sudden feel of fatigue, tiredness, with no obvious reason ? Did this by any chance occur after You dealt with certain person ? Have You had that happen before ? Think about it, because If the answer on the following question is affirmative, and If You were able to rule out mundane reason for Your state ( physiology or physiopathology ), You might have even more serious problem, occult or paranormal in it’s nature. An energy drain caused by, what we refer as energy vampires.
Energy vampires are human, or rarely, other living creatures that posses innate ability to steal another people’s vital force, energy sometimes referred as “chi” or or “prana” in esoteric circles, and in occult community in general.
There are also, spiritual energy vampires that are simply lowest level astral creatures, or non- living elementals created by other people ( like servitors or egregores ).
Even psychology, by some point, recognizes that there are humans capable to impose negative emotions upon others, consequently starting to feel better themselves. They call them emotional vampires. While in occultism we approve the fact that some people are
able of causing others to feel sad, depressive, melancholic or alike, relying only on every day, or natural means, we strongly think, that emotional vampires, as described in psychology are utterly rare. Meaning, up to some 98-99% of emotional vampires, are psychic vampires as well, or better yet their emotional vampirism is but a consequence of their ability to drain energy from other living being by supernatural means.
The main difference between the two types of vampires, is that emotional vampires have no influence when they are fare from You, and that You can easily resist them, using just will and determination. Psychic vampire – victim relation is masochistic, compelling, and can be severed only using both strong will and supernatural means.
Types of psychic vampires
We divide psychic vampires to following categories and subcategories
1. Human psychic vampires
a) Solar human psychic vampires – Aggressive, compelling, cruel, pathologically jealous and possessive, dominative, short fuse and abusive, yet highly dependant on their victims. They apologize often, and have episodes of “kind” behavior, which is to reassure their victims in their “good” aims and preventing victims from leaving them. Victims are often afraid and unwilling at same time to disassociate from them.
b) Lunar human psychic vampires – Kind, coercive, depressive, sometimes with suicidal tendencies they always fail to fulfill due to lack of courage and fear of pain. They always ask questions, ask for advices, seek help, they always appear to be in trouble and need victims help. The base for this pathological relation ( vampire – victim ) is based on victims sympathy for the vampire, and vampire’s outstandingly keen powers of suggestion and manipulation, subtle yet powerful and will bending.
2. Non-human psychic vampires ( spiritual vampires )
a) Natural spiritual psychic vampires – Lower level evil parasitic spirits occurring naturally, often inhabiting lower level astral plane, ethereal plane and Earthly plane by need. They mostly attack their victims during their sleep, though not rarely they can be attached to their victims almost non stop. People that are gifted and can see energies and energy beings ( clairvoyance ) gave pretty much uniformed description of these beings, spheral or with sharp cauloids ( head region ) and with great number of tentacles they use to attach themselves to human chakras.
b) Artificial spiritual psychic vampires – servitors created by other people, sometimes fugitives other times sent intentionally to feed on other people’s energies.
Regardless of the type ( human, non human ) and attributes ( solar, lunar, natural, artificial ) consequences of their acts are evident and obvious, and always pretty much the same.
Therefore the symptoms that will indicate on energetic vampirism, as well as methods of dealing with them are universal.
Recognizing a psychic vampire
Psychic vampires are always tired, never happy or satisfied individuals, that feel abandoned or rejected and always seek for support and help. They appear obsessed with fulfilling their goals and aims by all costs, they seek opinions and advices that they soak in.
“Some psychic vampires may suffer from physical ailments, unbalanced emotions,
or personality disorders. Many possess violent tempers, which are easily aroused”, according to famous occult author Dion Fortune.
Symptoms that indicate vampirism and diagnose
Most common and distinctive signs of energetic vampirism include
• State of general somatic and psychological fatigue, with no apparent physiological cause
• Poor sleep quality, sometimes followed by sleep apnea, or recurring nightmares
• Pain in the neck, lower spine and recurring headaches. Also it is commonly reported by victims that their ear rings and they are not hypertonic, and also sense of unease in are of solar plexus
• Sensation of ease, when bathing or staying over, or near bodies of water. Specific ease is felt If You make sign of Celtic cross over Forehead, Solar plexus and heart chakra
• Very small ( minute, use magnifying glass ) punctures bellow ears, on neck or down the inner surface of one forearms, lobes of the ears, under breast in women’s and on toe tips, sometimes they become infected and suppurating
Most people that have good basic occult knowledge will generally know when they are being attacked by an energy vampire. Anyhow, affirming that one has at least three above listed symptoms is alarming and healing and apothropaic measures are ought to be undertaken.
Warding off and healing energy vampirism
The simplest and best way to deal with leeches of these sort, is to disassociate. However even then, we may encounter them accidentally, so we either have to be rather vigilant and carry certain protective items and charms,
Or we have to coulter their power, restrict their magnetism and say no to their abuse.
The easiest, and very effective methods of protection against energy vampires, corporeal or not, include shielding, occult disassociation, and aura sealing, some of which are described in the text bellow.
The mentioned methods are also rather temporary and not a definite measure. I will be suggesting some of the means to severe the ties with energy parasites for good, later in this text.

[ Image 2: My own drawing depicting a visualization used to "cut off" the energy vampires, and their tentacles or rapport created. One visualizes 3 ( or more ) cilinders, extremely sharp rotatating with imense speed around their head, heart and navel. In Your visualization, it's advised that the cylinders rotate in different directions ]
Magickal disassociation techniques and shielding
Dion Fortune in her books suggests some of the best methods I’ve heard off ( or have read of ) in her book “Psychic self defense”.
Some are quite simple, actually. Should You find Yourslf in same room, with energy vampire and forced to speak to them, envision glass wall between You and energy parasite, and envision it clearly, until becomes like tangible between the two of You.
In Your mind or in low voice, say to them, how they are away from You and unable to harm or otherwise interact with You, unless how much You allow them to interact.
Another method suggested by Dion Fortune in above mentioned work of her ( an occult classic easily obtained ) she suggests simple method to close our energy leakage, while near them, and she describes the method as follows :
“When dealing with a person who saps your vitality, interlace your fingers, and lay your folded hands upon your solar plexus, keeping your elbows pressed against your sides. Keep your feet touching each other. You have thus contacted all your own terminals and made of your body a closed circuit. No magnetism will go out from you while you maintain this attitude. Your friend will probably complain of your lack of sympathy, however kindly you may speak.” *[1]
This is also a method of sealing Your aura. Another, more specific method author suggest to seal Your aura, for the approximate period of four hours is following ( from the same book ) :
Stand upright and cross yourself, by touching forehead, breast, right shoulder and left shoulder, saying, "By the power of the Christ of God within me, whom I serve with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength (extend your hands forward as far as you can reach at the level of the solar plexus, finger tips touching, then sweep them round to the back and touch the finger-tips together again behind you, saying), I encompass myself about with the Divine Circle of His protection, across which no mortal error dares to set its foot."
This is an old monkish formula. It is very effectual, but its potency only lasts aboutfour hours. " *[2]
A simple method of sealing Your aura to prevent energy leakage, and other similar harmful affect that would disrupt Your spiritual homeostasis, calls for red yarn ( best if it’s the one You soaked in Holy water ) to be tied around Your waist, bellow Your shirt so it remains unseen. This is a simple method both witches and cunning folk use on Balkan peninsula. I was taught to use it even as kid.
Severing the rapport
One of the best methods to deal with energy vampires is to severe the pathological connection that is often created between vampire and their victim. This so called “rapport” is an energy cord, a natural consequence of occult pathological connections between two individuals ( parasite – victim, adept/practitioner – victim, servitor – creator of them, astral being – victim, ghost – human ) , created as permanent energy link between two parties. A soothing analogy is astral cord between physical and astral body.
To cut this tie, an occult ritual is preformed that includes visualization and creation of protection circle, creation of astral weapon ( sword ), and severing the rapport with it, then setting the remaining alight with spiritual/astral torch. These steps are undertaken via practitioners careful visualization, followed with reciting certain affirmative words of power and using Divine names as symbol of authority and mastery over these adverse creatures and their abusive attacks. For the complete , detailed instructions for the ritual, I shall once again refer You to “Psychic self defense” by Dion Fortune. I must only add that, this ritual would ideally be done by some fellow practitioner, as victims of vampirism are fable of health and their mental focus might not be the best.
I believe I have found another method of severing this type of connection. Experience had taught me that Cut and Clear Hoodoo formulas, can be used for more than mere cutting away old partners and bad romances. If the Vampire is Human just do a normal Cut and Clear spell, a bath followed by some form of “Cut and clear spell” preferably following some banishment or Hot Footing. To make sure they will not come back finish with “Lost and away type” of work. Also “Cast off evil” formulas are ideal to be combined with “Cut and Clear” here.
If the Vampire is a spiritual leech, simply anoint a top of sharp pointed crystal ( like Kunzite or Clear or Smokey Quartz ) or dagger ( be careful not to cut Yourselves ) with “Cut and Clear oil” and pass over Your chakra points.
Spells to “destroy” energy vampires
The following are instructions for a typical witchcraft spell, to permanently disable vampire from harming one
1) Make a poppet to represent the vampire, personalize it as much as You can, and add any personal concerns of vampire You can get Your hands on in the doll
2) Consecrate or/and baptize the poppet/doll the way You normally do
3) Charge the poppet/doll holding it in Your hands, chanting the parasite’s name or simply thinking of them. Your hands should soon start having sensation of tingling
4) Lay the poppet on the altar, placing it between two lit black candles
5) If You have it, previous to lighting, dress the candles with “Cat off evil” oil and dust them with cayenne flakes, Black pepper and Sulphur. Do the same ( anointing and dusting ) with the poppet
6) Chant the following ( or read Psalm 10th , 13th and 91st )
Psychic vampire set me free.
No powers have you over me.
By number three times number three,
All harm you’ve done returns to thee!
7) Drive a wooden stake through a doll’s/puppet’s heart, so to symbolize Your triumph over the enemy saying : “So mote it be!”
8) in white cloth along with some salt and dispose away from Your property *[3]
Occult ritual to vanquish spiritual and other kind of energy vampires
This ritual is known since old times among Traditional occultists , and requires someone dear to help You ( partner, cousin, friend or simply a person willing to help ). This person shall prepare a fish, the best way they are able, cook it, spice it and serve it, praising how delicious and outstanding meal they have made for Your delight. They must constantly praise it aloud and You must appear like You are hungry and looking forward to the meal. Once they place the dish with a meal infront of You in a table, You make a declining mark with a hand, and a face that shows clear disgust, person offers You once more, again praising the fish but You steadily decline. The person that takes the meal and tosses it away as fare as possible. Than, affected person takes protective measures to make leeches unable to return.
Protection charms and methods
There are quite a few botanicals, animal curios as well as minerals that provide great protection against psychic vampires.
Now, keeping in mind that the rapport ( link ) between energy parasite and their victim is not as strong as one created by most of other aggressors, good protection in most cases is on itself, enough to cut the rapport, by making it inefficient, and consequently gradually “dissolving” it.
Still, it is highly advisable to, perform some cleansing work, or any of the methods described earlier.
This is strongly advised particularly in cases If the link between vampire and victim is long standing, and If the victim has exposed tendencies to “return” to the parasite.
Here is a list of some useful charms ( I have also given the explanations, alongside each item, as to why I think it might be helpful )
• High John TC root – to conquer Your enemies and overcome their power
• Sampson snake root – To give strength and endurance and to make You successful
• Mint – for it will give power of mind, and sharpness in need times and
ituations, also has wide range of uncrossing and unjinxing properties
• Lemon – Due to it’s cut and clear effect
• Poppy seeds – To confuse them and decrease their
• Master root – to dominate and master Your enemies
• Master of the woods – To protect ( against ) and overcome adverse conditions, and enemies
• Green Aventurine stone – Among the best “cures” for energy vampirism, also provides shield for the heart chakra and soothes
• Rusty bent nail – Interferes and decreases significantly abilities of vampire attack, as well as any psychic and most of occult attacks
• Camphor – Tincture or chunks, because of their powers to disrupt enemies activities
Atypical energy vampires
In earlier given classification of energy vampires I have given, I could have added third category of “atypical energy vampires”
The reason I did not do this, due to the fact that they are actually not the same species, kind if You will. Atypical energy vampire are beings varying in terms of origin and species, having the same modus opernadi, the same or similar energy draining abilities, like energy vampires. Some examples are Lamias, Baobhan Sidhe and so on.
Being different kind of beings, their behavior, and methods of dealing with are completely different.
This article is written by myself, but following sources were quoted ( as labelled ) in text [1] Dion Fortune "Psychic self-defense"
[2] Dion Fortune "Psychic self-defense"
[3] Gerina Dunwich "A witches guide to ghosts and suppernatural" , spell was used from this work, but significantly edited by me
Other spells and procedures are result of occult experience and are standard measures undertaken when fighting this occult condition, or are suggested by me.
Since the article was written and composed by myself, should You wish to use any of the information ( or whole text ) elswehere, You are welcome as long as You provide the credits Shadow of Shadows magick place or www.shadow-333@hotmial.com
Images used on this post were drawn by me , so should You wish to use them elswhere, the same rule applies.
Have a great upcoming Imbolc and check out my post on it
Also check out this wonderful post by Miss Kallista of Kallista's magick notes
Also check these delicious ideas by recognized author Celeste Heldstab
Blessed be and stay safe !
I found your post on vampires & I am aware I'm being vampirized but unsure what to do about it. I tried banishing ceremonies but they aren't working & he keeps coming back.
I don't know if you have time to message me but any information you have would be very helpful. I've tried many things & right now I'm going on 10 months of being vampirized from a distance.. I tried cutting physical contact but it wasn't enough & too late. If you can please email me at simmiah@yahoo.com Thank you for the information here. I'm trying out some of the spells you listed & hopefully they will help.
I was sucked past 6 weeks.
Lady at Dallas show said she & dog had Strokes from formaldehyde in Chinese sheetrock.
Doing toxin fund raiser.
She put me to sleep in booth!
She threw energy darts at my customers. She took the better part of day, Could'nt sell,cost me money.
not finished told her meet me in evening.
sucked me each day & night 1 1/2 wks mind controlled me, she dropped something, I dropped my pen, crossed her legs, I crossed mine,I could'nt resist.
Used crying how her dog died kept trying to get me to cry over death of dog, saying, OH! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!THEY TOLD ME TO GO TO HOSPICE,THAT I SHOULD NOT BE OUT WALKING AROUND! COUGH! COUGH!
LOOKING BACK. She coughed to manipulate, lightly.
She would even complain people WOULD NOT CRY WHEN SHE TOLD ABOUT DOG DYING,like a crime.
Vampires get you emotionaly weak so can eat.
said living out of car, lost all when had to get out of the black mold, it was in things so had to throw out, I understood, happened to me years ago mold spores grow again, wherever land.
She would design her lanyard then re-figure over again EATING MY ENERGY.
PITED HER PLIGHT,Sold below cost told her several times COULDN'T GET AGAIN, Just sell they'r 8yrs .
On road called complained people in San Marcus were very close knit, they would'nt talk about each other.
TOOK ORDERS..on things I said COULD'NT REPRODUCE, yelled at me to just fill the order. LIKE I COULD PULL IT OUT OF MY EAR.
quit taking calls on my cell phone, she filled message area.
She drove back to Dallas accused me of stealing her designs,
These are designs I GAVE HER..NOT THAT WAY AROUND..so she could make quick money said she had no money for gas.I realize she wanted me to give her GAS MONEY.... OR WHATEVER MONEY...JUST MANIPULATE ME..TO GET WHATEVER SHE COULD OUT OF ME.
We had already been selling the pieces & the parts for some time..
Tries to get us to let her sit in office to string designs.
I told her not to come to the office until the late afternoon, I had shows in Vegas & had work to do. Came early wants to sit there & bead, disrupting again my son, employees,for 5 1/2 hours not getting anything done or us.
First met, she would HUUGGG ME, oh thank you for being so nice!
She gave me body mites..the no seeums that itch & bury into the skin.
Hundreds of $$ of products to get rid of them & out of my son's car I had driven that day, out of my office, & home.
She denied it, but"They said I had gotten rid of them at the hospital, & they have me on anti-hystimines so they don't bother me anymore" SHE KNEW WHAT SHE HAD, WILLINGLY PASSED THEM ON TO ME.
She came back from San Antonio, she kept saying she was rid of them & ok for her to sit in my office & bead.
She wanted beads I pkd at market years ago. The tag 12.75 I had paid, told her would give at my cost.
When I wasn't there, She asked my husband for a better price, now I am in hole. Manipulator, liar, energy vampire.
Got red candle inscribed Archangel Michael requesting help & protection.
We will see what he does.
get prayer on internet.
Use 91st Psalm then Archangel Michael's prayer.
I am putting the purple flame around myself & white light around myself & my son...
Sympathy is how she works, she gets you griefy then sympathy then eats
She keeps leaving messages on my cell phone, over and over
like I am going to pick up and read them...
still trying to eat
"Experience had taught me that Cut and Clear Hoodoo formulas, can be used for more than mere cutting away old partners and bad romances."
Of course! because lemon, as main ingredient is a cleaning member. In fact you can use any of the elements for regular cleaning. Basil, rosemary, rue, salt, etc. Cut and clear not just lemon, served cleaning anything, including common soap.
U guys are just lucky...All of my aunts on my moms side of the family sucked me dry for years even my own mother, my brother and my sisters...Now jus found out my aunt on my dads side, whom I thought was also my best friend is a suck head too...I was passed around like cattle from one to the other every since I was a little girl..I was in a accident with a cement truck, the accident was called in as a DOA..I never saw the accidenr because a voice called my name and told me to look this way...So I did because I was the only person in the car! I know that eas my guardiN Angel who saved me...Every since that accident i know things that i nevet knew before..That's how I figured out what my family and aunt had been doimg to me since I was little...Not to mention they practice black magic and my aunt has chained
her life to mine! I toyally remember when she had that spell done...I was maybe 17. I know because I was walking in the living room and my ankle started to hurt. I looked down and saw the ball and chain...I just want to say PRAY and keep GOD 1st...
Maybe it isn't your family members directly doing the energy drainage, maybe it is forces that can work through them? Just a thought.
Hey can whoever wrote this article email me I have a question?
This is an awesome article ~ so much detailed info! Am going to try a few of these ideas for sure. I have to work with one of these parasitic creatures - she sits in the desk right in front of me. Speaking of vampires…if anyone watches the show True Blood, this woman is the equivalent of Sarah Newlan x 10. I can’t tell if she’s got 3 different personalities, or if she is just so fake that her persona changes depending on whoever she’s speaking to. Her dramatic ways, overly zealous bursts of useless energy, constant parroting, and use of nonsense words literlayy suck the life force from me every day. She’s been on vacation and for the last few days I’ve felt light as a feather. I swear that my hair even has more volume & life to it! Am dreading when she comes back tomorrow. Her arrival at this company has been a huge negative, and will push me from this job I’ve loved for the past 7 years. However, I’m trying to see it as a positive. Because of my desperation to leave her presence, I’ve started taking classes to become a massage therapist. So, her entrance may have been the push I needed to make progress in my life. In the mean time, I’m stuck here with her, for the next year at least…and REALLY need some help to preserve my own sanity and energy levels. Will definitely try arranging some Aventurine around the base of my computer (which faces her) and also some of the spells.
I always thought I had some spirit draining me because I am always tired. I mean no apparent reason. I always had lousy sleep. Even my own chakras felt drained. At first I thought it was a succubus because that is what they do, but didn't realize that it could be a psychic vampire. I have a strong energy field and when I chakra meditate I could of attracted something. I need to find a way to activate my clairvoyance.
Hello, i came along to this page randomly through searching about my kind. There are a few issues i have found with your statements and methods of protection. by all means use them, some vampires are evil. however, myself and many others only feed to survive. we were created through a very very old spell. A permanent curse if you will. killing one of us is usually a temporary solution seeing as we reincarnate indeffinetly. Along with the fact of using a spell like that would cause massive amounts of negative karma for counteracting our very nature. Also on a side note not all vampires are how you described, there are three main human types not including astral vampires. The first type is me. Bad temper, increased physical abilities, less of a need to feed. One that feeds more and has a neutral tempe, and one that is shy and feeds daily with major physical problems. Witches hunt us for next to no reason and so do many others, however i was blessed with a natural witch as a mate and we get along splendidly. if you wish for any further information please contact me by phone. 423-567-0302
@Dragnet53 Maybe something I've written about here http://shadowsmagickplace.blogspot.com/2011/05/clairvoyance-and-seeint-spirits.html can help You out with Your Clairvoyance?
Or here http://shadowsmagickplace.blogspot.com/2013/09/increasing-your-occult-dexterity.html , also http://shadowsmagickplace.blogspot.com/2013/03/hoodoo-style-psychic-vision-and-dream.html
Good luck ! :)
@Anonymous Well the article is intended for the people who have problem with vile and nasty energy parasites. I am aware there are people who are energy vampires, but not necessarily mean, evil nor wishing to cause ill. I actually knew a person like that, and we were good friends.
Have a nice day :)
There is nothing friendly about any vampires. They are stealing your energy. But of course they will say, they are deserving and don't harm people etc. Of course they do. And the energy vamp (anonymous) above who mentioned of karma and all that has no idea. Just throwing about New age concept. They must all be destroyed. Imagine someone who has STD and says, I'm really a nice person, let's make love. *rolleyes*
I'd really like to know if there are any normal human beings out there meaning (non Vampiric) i need help!
Can you tell me anything about Elvan psychic vampire's, the ones that feed off the elements like storms. Fire. Star light. There's energy In greater places than with humans, we love them, there are laws. But I want to know because, we keep running into more of our kinds, like a magnet, there's no normal, and I like normal, does anyone know of any psychic vampire's war or prophecy that might have been recorded
We practice Wiccan magic and draw to relms in that world and it's old Origen, we have been running into many Like us strangely, and many like those mentioned above, we are people, not monsters.
To all Wiccans, we are seeking the power given and approved of the gods and goddesses you follow, we took the over worded rant about It being an occult, we are not as evil as it's recorded, if we had been none of the hundreds I've found know anything about are people, we just know what we arem
I'm open to conversation and questions 247
With what, I'm different but still vampire
I agree. Vampire's who Feed off of humans are creatures. I Feed off of storm's. Moon energy , spirits, old tree's, all those Wiccan places have energy to use. They welcome us freely, make us part of families as people. And we curse the vampires who harm humans. Found new places of freedom for ourselves In The energy's of Fae forests and old places of old magics, some of us are good and do good with our powers, and the ones we change, like Devan. He has Cancer, 14 more years of life from the when ever day his last would be, the powers and old God assigned
I would love to talk
was searching for help on the internet to get my ex lover whom will got divorced back, i came across this wonderful man called DR.AGBAZARA of AGBAZARA TEMPLE who did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within 48hours.. I never believe that such things like this can be possible but now i am a living testimony to it because AGBAZARA TEMPLE actually brought my lover back, If you are having any relationship problems why not contact DR.AGBAZARA TEMPLE via email on: ( agbazara@gmail.com ) OR on ( agbazaratemple@yahoo.com ), Then i promise you that after 48hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me.
Unfreezing and energetic protection.
Seriousness and rapid results.
Information: antoniodebara@hotmail.com
washap: + 34 67313310
All thanks to Dr Zadson for helping me with a spell to get a divorce from my husband. I was in alot of challenges in my marriage and needed to opt out but my husband refused and i was out of options until i met Dr Zadson who helped me with a spell and in less than 3 days my husband signed the documents and i had my portion of the property if you need spell help contact eduduzadsontemple@yahoo.com
Hi everyone!!!
I'm so excited share this testimony here about how i got my ex husband back after a break up. I'm Clara 28 yr old from Califonia USA, Am a woman who love and cherish my husband more than any other thing you can imagine on earth continent. My husband was so lovely and caring after 3years of marriage he was seriously ill and the doctor confirm and said he has a kidney infection that he needed a kidney donor, that was how I start searching for who can help, doctor has given me a periodic hour that he will live just 25hours left, that was how I ask the doctor if I can be of help to my husband that was how he carried out the text, the confirming was successful, I was now having this taught that since 3 years now we got married I have not be able to get pregnant can I be able to get bring again? That was the question I ask the doctor, he never answer his response was did you want to lost your husband? I immediately reply no I can't afford to lose him. After the operation my husband came back to live and was healthy I was also ok with the instruction given to me by the doctor, after 3months my husband came home with another lady telling me, that is our new wife that will give us kids and takecare of us, that was how I was confused and started crying all day, that was how my husband ran away with his new wife clearable. Since then I was confuse don't know what to do that was how I went back to the doctor and tell him everything, he told me that, this is not just an ordinary it must be a spiritual problem that was how he gave me this Email: Ahmedutimate@gmail.com that I should tell he all my problem that he can help that was how i contacted he and I do as instructed. After 28hours and I have done what he ask me to do, my husband start searching for me and went back to the doctor, that was how we well settle he also told me not to worry that I will get pregnant, this month making it the fifth Month I contacted he am now 3months pregnant. These great spell cater is a great man, if you have any kind of problem you can contact him here on his email: Ahmedutimate@gmail.com or call him +2348160153829
Hello everyone,
I am an empath and recently met a person who came across as a very spiritual person. I even saw him in a very vivid dream twice the first week we met. In dream he was glowing white but i still felt very uneasy. He showed interest in me right away to the point of proposing to me and sexual texting to me within the first month. I felt happy and energetic. Then all of sudden no contact for 3 days and when he came over to "dump" me basically, I was crying and very emotional and he kissed me and left. Since then I have felt so drained and my body weighs a ton. I am not depressed over him anymore but felt he did something with the kiss and drained me completely. Its been 5 days and I can barely do anything and I look pale even. Is there anything I can do to gain my energy back? Do you think he could still be sucking my energy? Any suggestions and comments would be helpful.. oh and there has been no contact with him since then. Thank you so much!!! anxiously awaiting for any suggestion!! namaste ! Thanks..... Tired and anxious
Very good article but there you should mention about fixing problems too and that has to be done first:
Stop sexual fantasy, quit masturbation, pornography, negative emotions etc... There is no emotion, there is peace (jedi code). Then when you deal with them remember not stimulate or fight against them because you will finance them with you vital energy. If you stimulate them eroticaly trough imagination then you will finance 'em with you energy and the same happens when you fight against 'em. Of corce the secret is to stay, to say so at the zero point, at the middle between plus and minus so that they'll consume their energy not you, very similar like in Aikido. Let 'em consume their energy. All you have to do is to focus your attention and will on possitive thins, creative.
Remember !The power is within you. You hold the key to any problem but it takes time and more important practice.
Hey if you can see these energy vampires or worms, what color would they be? And energy vampires and demons are the same right?
About drainage of "prana"/ spiritual energy/vital energy:a stone , crystal, or rock is not able to help it. What happens is, for the energy vampire to gain access to your vital energy and successfully steal it, literaly feeding off the energy that comes from the solar plexus area in the spiritual, the victim must be in the same emotional state of the vampire. Meaning if the victim manage to change her/his emotional state completely when going to sleep the vampire then will not be able to steal it, because his emotional state will not be compatible with the victim's anymore. What also is effective is praying The Lord's prayer sincerely then asking Him to protect you , in the name of King Jesus Christ from all oppressors and energy vampirism, and BELIEVE it really having faith You will be protected and then praying "I in the name of Jesus Christ am protected from all energy vampirism, thank You Lord." In the beggning of the sleep this time you will still feel your energy starting to get drained but as you sleep "something" happens that stops your energy from being drained and you won't wake up feeling like something is missing inside your chest. On the contrary, you will wake up feeling "filled", yet light, without having stolen energy, because during sleeep the spirit is supposed gets replenished naturally. This is why we sleep so much when sick. By the way, while praying sincerely I even feel my chest being filled with lightness, being filled with something good. I bet it is the Holy spirit filling me, I wish I knew for sure.
Will u plz let me know if it work I’m experiencing a similar situation. And would like to know what it took to actually work for you
I have been the object of attack over the last @6-7 years.
It took me a very long time to figure out mostly because no one would talk about it...even if they knew what was happening.
I am low income so I am forced to live in shared accomodations. once one leech left the residence another, usually stronger, would move in. mostly alcoholics and addicts of some kind. but not always.
I am able to take in large quantities of energy from air and focus it to heal, stay healthy help others, but now keep myself as depleted as possible so the negative repercussions of them taking all the positive and leaving me with the negative is not life changing... things like new electronics break, people can get physically hurt if around me at wrong times... it can be bad
I am drained 24/7 but was able to shrug it off till lately. I became aware of the areas of entry and physical signs for these attacks which were pinching in arms and legs cutting off circulation, probing pin pricks in brain throughout, eyeball pressures, felling of strong compression in skull in all ways. draining usually comes from back of neck from middle of head to base of neck, feels like a large circle sucking like vacuum and third eye region... sometimes separate but mostly together. lots of feelings of depression and anxiety at all times.
noticed different "techniques" and "signatures" being used at different times like they are doing shift work on me.
they come into my dreams and create intense dramas like me being kidnapped or me having to fight someone or other much more twisted scenarios, but since I like intense dreams I don't mind that so much even when it makes me question my morality when I get up. I know who I am so I don't care what I dream.
noticed thought inception and direction, all negative of course, because I know myself and this is all not me.
have noticed at work and on bus people syncing with me, placing unwanted thoughts and watching for reactions then adjusting and going again...
I refuse to open my mind to others when all ive ever gotten was memory searching, again only negative, and pot stirring... so they try harder continuously.
left all 20 year long friends but one because of the constant feelings of negativity and the constant searching of my memories even after commenting it makes me uncomfortable and causes pain.... they didn't care... none of them do.
been home three weeks now, quit my job, don't want to go out and only do to work for survival...
used to go to gym and was doing especially well, was running 7.5 k and doing hour workout every time but then a huge push came which made me stop somehow... theres always an excuse in my head that I don't agree with but somehow I always give in, like "who needs to live life right?".
sit, relax, no need to think about anything...just stay here so we can make connection stronger... 1 week around them = takes 1 week away from them to get out... nasty cycle
I am strong minded like bull but these guys and - girls (the worst) use brute force and constant attachment and by the time I get used to it and start fighting it off they switch tactics... very adept and smart people... bad like cancer but woah!!! smart!
I don't know what to do anymore
Hello, im same guy as above 1/24/18
ive been using the scientific method to gradually identify persons and techniques. I thought id add some extra info towards the techniques used on me.
Some choose an alternate sleep/wake cycle as their food, others don't.
I had mentioned pressure on the eyes. it is a not quite irrisistable urge to lose visual focus but is hard to constantly counteract. it seems that my left eye is the one used to "see with mine eyes". if I try to focus from that eye only it starts to hurt and so does my brain, not so with the right eye... when I am not being attacked I do same tests and get different results.
I found they are very good at attaching themselves without notice and most times just tiny pressure building toward someones foot standing on your head or chest.. the end result is like after being punched in the back of the head. I can feel when I take off their suckers. my hands get heavier and feel like theyre attached to something.
I have identified attackers over the course of time and have hit them back with hard mental words about their choices non stop for hours and they will stop for a while, while they think and regain their composure, or maybe they just get sick of listening to me but they would be back and hit much harder so....
Creating pain in myself on the attack sites would shock them as well. A heavy slap on the back of my neck or a knuckle punch to my solar plexus will stop a new guy but they get used to it
I was using thick blue rubber bands to slap my wrists as hard as I could to see if they were in me and to shock myself out. I would be numb to a few slaps but would keep going until I felt pain and they were gone. One day I had raised welts on both my wrists but I heal well so whatever. I did that on the bus and heard people yelping and gasping every time I did it. THE RUBBER BANDS IDENTIFY THE ATTACKERS when u can hear reponses...
One more thing, because I don't like to hide and people NEED to take this stuff seriously...
I am in Ontario, Canada. This all came about for me @30 in Alberta when I didn't want to live anymore and asked god for something to live for or I wanted to die... I was an addict and was sick of a crappy life
things started to get worse, but then better and better.
I would get hints from people about something special happening but no one had an understandable message.
imagine being watched by everyone around you everywhere u go, city to city, house to house.... it was nerve wracking
later I started to notice a little dot of brown discoloration on my forehead just between and above my eyes.
this tiny dot grew to the size of a mandarin orange and im a pasty white guy so lets just say it was more than noticeable... it was very uncomfortable for many years as it grew larger and was noticed more and more so I took to wearing a hat.
well at one point of being halfway up my forehead it stopped growing but then the darkness started to appear over my eyebrows like wings.
at @ 1 inch high these colored wings stopped growing and the main ball grew some more until it reached an inch from my hairline.
and as if that wasn't enough within the last year a new lighter circle started from a tiny marble size and now is the mandarin orange that the dark used to be.
I made the mistake of moving back to my home town to b around my good friends because it seemed wherever I went I was always surrounded by users. but the same is true here too and since then ive had to get rid of two of my 20 year friends as I sense they are bad too.
I am attacked almost 24/7 every day of every year because I cannot make enough money to live by myself and I am forced to be around those who bring me down and the cycle keeps going.
The problem seems to be a lot of the people have gone bad... it is very easy to b bad. from my conversations with them they don't think they can b any other way so before they try they give up and start being worse with the thoughts ,if im going to hell I might as well get the most out of being as bad as I can
This all being said, life has become very difficult just to survive and maintain a basement apartment.
it seems the better u try to be inside, the harder the ones around you try to corrupt u and make life difficult. im sure their intention is to try and drive me mad or to suicide but I always get up and keep going.
even my brother thinks im crazy with no apparent reason. he knows the trouble ive been through but doesn't let on if he knows what is actually happening. I had the feeling one day of going over to his house to help with his gardening and noticed the massive tree in his back yard had split in two and was just about to fall on his house... good timing I was there... he didn't know and it was days away from falling... arborist even had to strap around trunk to keep it up till the next day.
he thinks it was just coincidence as far as I know...lol....I think not
depending on the beliefs of who I talk to nowadays I am unbelievably lucky with my life or am cursed, but the point is it is not just something imagined in my head... it is on my head! the changes are visible on my body and tangible and so far ever changing. I cannot ignore what is happening as I see it in the mirror every day... I am shaking now for some reason as I write this.
I would love some feedback, good or bad... it all helps
thanks for reading and life is going to get very interesting for us all
Hi, I'm going through a similar situation like you here in the u.s. These Individuals stalking me and feeding off my energy and doing something to my stomach. I would really like to get in contact with you, what you describe is almost just like mines.
the lady I lived under would ask me to do renovations work for her...
her and her sister would make fun of me within earshot but would start in English and move to Punjabi when they really got nasty....
she eventually asked to make dinner for me since I was working late for her. I accepted and the paid for it the next couple weeks. i had stomach pains and wasn't going to the bathroom so I went to the doctor and was told my stomach bacteria had all died but they would come back.
after that I stopped working for her and moved as quickly as possible without notice.
poisoning me was a great place to draw the line
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email liberationlovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (liberationlovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email liberationlovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (liberationlovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
Your work is excellent. Your English has improved over the years. You show patience with problem people. And you are so young! All the best to you in your work.
What do i do if i live with thr vampire? I dont own red yarn , i dont own black candles . I dont own any of the amulet charms. And im broke . Is their something i can do besided move ? I have a kid with this person , i cant just leave. How do i make it stop without having to go purchase items? I have no car & no income. The person i live with is the absolute best with the black magic arts. No spell i could do could counteract his if he thought something was up . Im going to hell if i cant fight this fight between feeling hate or love . I am so serious. Any realistic advice? Email me : lafannotforfootball@yahoo.com
Look up how to make ormus with lye . I know your thinking why the fuck am i telling you this , Because when nothing helps people turn to drugs . But atleast ormus is legal and is not classified as a drug . But i consider it a drug . It take all the fluoride off your pineal gland so you can become enlightened and see demonds and angels and can see into other realms after a few months of using it . Its monatomic gold or as mentioned in the bible , gold manna, the health benefits are unreal . And if you ever have 50$ buy a ph meter at walmart or online (it needs to measure ph levels up to 14 ) for 13$ , buy a 5 pound bag of dead sea salt (minera) 15$ amd buy som PURE DISTILLED WATER) 2$ and buy 100% lye (thats online) but red devil lye is at the hardwear store (that works too) 5$ . Take your water put it in a big jar. Mix it with a cup of salt and BARELY any lye . Now mix it up , then stick your ph meter in and if it goes past 10.5 dump it out. If it gets to the ph level of 10 , its good. Now set the jar in the DARK. Wait a couple of hours , you will see the ormus formed on the bottom . Now pour the water off the ormus and put more PURE DISTILLED water over the ormus wait for the ormus to settle after a day goes by . And repeat this step 2 more times. Then you take the ormus on the bottom and drink it. Careful it will give you the shits , bc it cleans out your roxins as well . Look up ORMUS BY DAVE HUDSON . It should help dude.
They are not all the same but they are close enough as they all have a demonic aura. Its easy to see even if theyre hiding in a catipillar. They will all have a pshychedelic aura. My email is lafannotforfootball@yahoo.com
I meant to say their aura will have a pshychedelic appearance . Like a tyedye shirt
I would love to talk as well!i have alot of questions maybe you can answer ? Maybe not. But i share a pphone. Half the day i have it , the second half i dont .Dont worry im not a kid, just dependent on others sadly. And i would like to have a convo just me and you . Do you think you could email me ? PLEASE? lafannotforfootball@yahoo.com
Look up ORMUS BY DAVE HUDSON . THAT WILL ACTIVATE THE MOTHER FUCK OUT OF YOUR CLAIRVOYANCE. ITS PRETTY CHEAP TO MAKE . DONT BOTHER ORDERING IT OFLINE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE RIPPED OFF. after a few months of using it you can see into other realms and it stretches your prerefial vison and it has crazy health benefits .look it up & make it yourself . Lye, pure water, dead sea salt, ph meter. Thats all you need, and a big jar.
Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email: richvampirekindom@gmail.com
I am karen from USA, after 4 years in marriage with my husband ,he left me for another woman. I did all i could to get him back but all effort proved abortive, until an old friend of mine told me about a spell caster Dr.EZIZA on the internet who helped her in a similar issue, at first i doubted it but I decided to give it a try. when I contacted the doctor (ezizaspellhome@gmail.com) he helped me cast a re-uniting spell and within 48 hours me and my husband came together again. I cant stop thanking Doctor EZIZA, Contact this great spell caster on your relationship or marriage problems and consider it solved just as mine and be happy again and forever.His email is; ezizaspellhome@gmail.com or contact him on WhatsApp on +2348163086732
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email liberationlovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (liberationlovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email liberationlovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (liberationlovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
Hello to you all on this site it brings me so much joy and happiness today so i decided to share my happiness and testimony to you all, my name is Sophia am from New York am 38 years old i was married to Mr Mitchnick Hunfrey he is north America we have 3 grown up children. two years ago my husband said he needs a divorce that he is no longer interested in the marriage that was how my husband left me with the children and moved to another state with his new girlfriend who charmed him. I traveled to greet my friend and her family during Christmas celebration then i explained to her, how my husband has abandon me and my children for a period of time and be with another woman, and my friend told me about Dr Ogbefun the great spell caster who had helped her in the past before, when i contacted him with his email via ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com i explain to him, how my Husband has been with another woman for two year now and that's the problem am facing in my marriage now and i need to end it by killing her, and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him, he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than a week she die, she slept and never woke up, and truly my husband come back apologizing that he never knew what came over him my husband apologize to me and we are happy family now. all thanks to dr ogbefun you can contact Dr Ogbefun for any death spell, such as killing your superior in the office and take his or her place.spell for increase in salaries, spell for promotion at the office, spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact him now via email ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680
Hello to you all on this site it brings me so much joy and happiness today so i decided to share my happiness and testimony to you all, my name is Sophia am from New York am 38 years old i was married to Mr Mitchnick Hunfrey he is north America we have 3 grown up children. two years ago my husband said he needs a divorce that he is no longer interested in the marriage that was how my husband left me with the children and moved to another state with his new girlfriend who charmed him. I traveled to greet my friend and her family during Christmas celebration then i explained to her, how my husband has abandon me and my children for a period of time and be with another woman, and my friend told me about Dr Ogbefun the great spell caster who had helped her in the past before, when i contacted him with his email via ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com i explain to him, how my Husband has been with another woman for two year now and that's the problem am facing in my marriage now and i need to end it by killing her, and i don't want to make use of assassin because it will be risky so i needed to do it in a spiritual way that's why i decided to contact him, he assured me not to worry as i have contacted the right person at the right time, i co-operated with him and in less than a week she die, she slept and never woke up, and truly my husband come back apologizing that he never knew what came over him my husband apologize to me and we are happy family now. all thanks to dr ogbefun you can contact Dr Ogbefun for any death spell, such as killing your superior in the office and take his or her place.spell for increase in salaries, spell for promotion at the office, spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact him now via email ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680
Hello, i am Tracy Morgan, from California, USA. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. I am so happy to get my Ex lover through the help of Dr Abuu who cast a spell, that brought my ex lover to me. My greatest surprise was that 48 hours after the Doctor prepared the spell for me, my husband who has abandoned me just to be with another lady, after 7 years of our marriage, my husband suddenly developed a sudden hate for me just because he found another new love, this woman came to matter and destroy our relationship between me and my husband and my life became miserable, and i thought there was no hope for me, every thing became meaningless to me, because the one i love so much has abandoned me for another woman. i was becoming increasingly despondent and i thought that was the end of life. it was not until i saw a post on the internet one faithful day about Dr Abuu how he cast death and love spells, i decided to contact him to see if he can truly help me, he did it perfectly by casting a dead spell on this woman who try to take my husband away from me, and also cast a love spell on my husband, immediately after 48 hours my husband came apologizing that he was sorry for every thing that he did to me, that he never new what came over him, that was how my family came to be united again. A big thanks to Dr Abuu the spell caster, for making me a happy woman today. contact him if you need his assistant because i know he can also help you. contact him through his email: drabuuspelltemple@gmail.com or add him up on whatsapp +2348115685795...
My Husband divorce me for no reason, Thanks to Dr.FREEDOM for bringing back my husband,and brought great joy to my family once again. i live in US, I`m happily married to a lovely and caring Husban,with two kids A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he did not love me anymore So he packed out of belongings from his house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.on a faithful evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my Husband So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day what an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who did not call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back it all seems to be a dream,but it was all reality and my heart was full of joy,that was how he asked me to come back home that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistakes,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.So i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same Doctor ,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. Thanks you sir, for bringing back my husband,and brought great joy to my family once again. His spell is a 100% Guarantee for your situation,if you are in a relationship without kids Dr Freedom can also help you.you can as well visit his website on: https://freedomspellcast.wixsite.com/spell
or email him
at freedomspellcast@gmail.com or rather call/WhatsApp him on:+2348070670337.Good luck as you cantact Dr Freedom today because he is indeed a problem solver.
Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr.ajeghe. When I nearly lost David in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read so many testimony about Dr. ajeghe love spell,how he help to bring back ex lover back.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! David my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr.ajeghe email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help ajeghespelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +2349069171173
I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr.ajeghe. When I nearly lost David in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read so many testimony about Dr. ajeghe love spell,how he help to bring back ex lover back.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! David my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr.ajeghe email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help ajeghespelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +2349069171173
I am one of those people who said, “I’ll never call a psychic or a magician or whatever” to help me with my problems – least of all my love problems, but I reached the point where I knew I needed some guidance, and I’m so glad I found this man called dr.ajeghe. When I nearly lost David in one of our stupid,fights (he broke up with me), I thought I had lost everything.i cry all day and think that he will never come back to me again.i read so many testimony about Dr. ajeghe love spell,how he help to bring back ex lover back.I quickly email him.and also get back my husband with his love spell. And when I was at my most desperate,he didn’t take advantage of me. You performed a very good service for a person in true need. I don’t know how you did it, or how this magic works, but all I know is, IT WORKS!! David my husband and I are happily back together, and I’ll always be grateful to dr.ajeghe email him for any kinds of help is very capable and reliable for help ajeghespelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +2349069171173
When I found Dr. Paul I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact Dr.Paul through his website and He told me me what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and then he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since Dr. Paul helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends Dr. Paul to anyone in need of help. Email: astoriashrine@ gmail com, Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2349051441669
When I found Dr. Paul I was in desperate need of bringing my ex lover back. He left me for another woman. It happened so fast and I had no say in the situation at all. He just dumped me after 3 years with no explanation. I contact Dr.Paul through his website and He told me me what i need to do before he can help me and i did what he told me to, after i provided what he wanted, he cast a love spell to help us get back together. Shortly after he did his spell, my boyfriend started texting me again and felt horrible for what he just put me through. He said that I was the most important person in his life and he knows that now. We moved in together and he was more open to me than before and then he started spending more time with me than before. Ever since Dr. Paul helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before. I highly recommends Dr. Paul to anyone in need of help. Email: astoriashrine@ gmail com, Call him or add him on whatsapp via: +2349051441669
Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
Or Add up on Whats-app +233248104710
Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email: richvampirekindom@gmail.com
My Name is Kelly Williams from Canada, i turn to a vampire any time i want to, I become a real vampire because of how people treat me, This world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. At the snack of my finger things are made happened. Am now a powerful vampire and no one step on me without an apology goes free. I turn to human being also at any time i want to. And am one of the most dreaded and respected person in my country. i am now also very famous and rich with the help of the VAMPIRES EMPIRE. i get what ever a want. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire Kingdom by given me their email: templeofsuccessandlove1@gmail.com, if you want to become a powerful and a real vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email: templeofsuccessandlove1@gmail.com for help. it is real. Contact them today. templeofsuccessandlove1@gmail.com.
Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email: Richvampirekindom@gmail.com
I just want to share with you how i became a very powerful vampire. all my life i have always dream of joining this wonderful extra ordinary family of strength.i contacted him, and i was told how to get the blood to turn and i did just that and to that am living just fine wit it. I can do almost everything on my own with any help. if you need it just contact him on greatvampirelord1@gmail.com i think been a vampire is all i have dream of an am enjoying it with out side effect . that is one amazing thing about it. once here is his contact greatvampirelord1@gmail.com
I just want to share with you how i became a very powerful vampire. all my life i have always dream of joining this wonderful extra ordinary family of strength.i contacted him, and i was told how to get the blood to turn and i did just that and to that am living just fine wit it. I can do almost everything on my own with any help. if you need it just contact him on greatvampirelord1@gmail.com i think been a vampire is all i have dream of an am enjoying it with out side effect . that is one amazing thing about it. once here is his contact greatvampirelord1@gmail.com
I just want to share with you how i became a very powerful vampire. all my life i have always dream of joining this wonderful extra ordinary family of strength.i contacted him, and i was told how to get the blood to turn and i did just that and to that am living just fine wit it. I can do almost everything on my own with any help. if you need it just contact him on greatvampirelord1@gmail.com i think been a vampire is all i have dream of an am enjoying it with out side effect . that is one amazing thing about it. once here is his contact greatvampirelord1@gmail.com
Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity, I can help you solve any problem you are having
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) If you want to stop having bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) If you want to stop your divorce.
(10 If you want to divorce your husband.
(11) If you want your wishes to be granted.
contact the Vampires Lord on his Email: Richvampirekindom@gmail.com
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email virgolovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without stress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (virgolovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whats app mobile line +2348034062173
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email virgolovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (virgolovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email virgolovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (virgolovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email virgolovespell@gmail.com… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my father.contact him now he is always online email (virgolovespell@gmail.com) or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is takutaspellalter@gmail.com or WhatsApp on +27788634102
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is takutaspellalter@gmail.com or WhatsApp on +27788634102
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is takutaspellalter@gmail.com or WhatsApp on +27788634102
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after 6 months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is takutaspellalter@gmail.com or WhatsApp on +27788634102
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
My name is LUCY SETHI from USA .I am here to
give testimony on how I got my husband back.
My husband left me for no reason 3 years ago.
He moved in with another woman, I felt like
killing myself, my life became very bitter and
sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me
about a great spell caster that is very good and,
he said he gave him some lucky numbers that he
played in a lottery and he won. I didn't believe it
because I've worked with so many of them and it
didn't work. He begged me further so I decided
to try this great spell caster called DR TAKUTA. I
still didn't believe. I used the spell he gave me
and the next day I received a call from my
darling husband Thomas last month. He
apologized and came back to me. He even gave
me 10,000USD as a means of compensating me.
I'm very happy now. please i will advise you to contact him
now and see for your self his Email is via____
takutaspellalter@gmail.com or whatsapp him
through the following contact on +27788634102
Dr.TAKUTA also cures:
2. HERPES 1/2
My name is LUCY SETHI from USA .I am here to
give testimony on how I got my husband back.
My husband left me for no reason 3 years ago.
He moved in with another woman, I felt like
killing myself, my life became very bitter and
sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me
about a great spell caster that is very good and,
he said he gave him some lucky numbers that he
played in a lottery and he won. I didn't believe it
because I've worked with so many of them and it
didn't work. He begged me further so I decided
to try this great spell caster called DR TAKUTA. I
still didn't believe. I used the spell he gave me
and the next day I received a call from my
darling husband Thomas last month. He
apologized and came back to me. He even gave
me 10,000USD as a means of compensating me.
I'm very happy now. please i will advise you to contact him
now and see for your self his Email is via____
takutaspellalter@gmail.com or whatsapp him
through the following contact on +27788634102
Dr.TAKUTA also cures:
2. HERPES 1/2
Vampires live where ever they want, because vampires are every where. This means that there are vampires where you live, you just wouldn't know it even if you saw one, Being a vampire has certain limitations, but it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. One thing you will definitely have more of is time. Beef up your education and learn all you ever wanted to. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV This is going to be especially fun if you turned to share your life with one of us. Let us show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, visit the African safari. You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife you will have become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed. Explore, experiment, experience and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire, you can do it all, if willing and ever ready to be a full blooded vampire with powers and mighty great skills then these is the opportunity for you to get transformed and turned into a vampire, contact the mighty hindu priest and also he is a vampire lord, find him on his email and lay your request and heart wishes to him, trust me you will find him on: Vampirelordtransformerchanging@gmail.com or you can as well find me on kaithbradon@gmail.com
I share with you all my knowledge to whom it interest, I believe we all want to live a wealthy, long lasting life or immortal. I am a pesach vampire. I only want to give guidelines to become a vampire with great skills, Though being a vampire has certain limitations, But it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in life and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. you will have more time to do alot, Beef up your education and learn all you ever wanted. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV. This is going to be especially fun if you turn into a vampire. Clan vampires will show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, Travel, Go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife you will become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed of. Experience these and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire once you have received the vampire Blood and Ring. Powers, Skills, Abilities, Mights you shall poses. The only way to have all these come through is contacting the hindu lord on the below e-mail: Vampirelordtransformerchanging@gmail.com
Hey, is exactly 1year my lover came back to me, I’m letting you know how i got my ex back because this Christmas holiday everyone need there love ones around them not just your love ones but your lover, a year ago i was heartbroken and i knew i could not spend the holiday alone that is when i was looking for how i can make my lover come back to me so that we can make things right, to cut the long story short on a faithful day i came across the details i will be dropping on the internet, someone talking about how she got her ex back so i took this details I’m dropping via email: drosasu25@gmail.com or +2347064365391 and i contact him and i told him that i want my lover to come back to me, today I’m with my lover. Thanks you Dr. Osasu TEMPLE for the help.
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
i really want to thank DR TAKUTA a great spell caster from south africa. DR TAKUTA has helped me to reunite my marriage. My husband left me 3months ago and he packed out his property and went to stay with the other woman. now my lover is back after 48hrs when DR TAKUTA has cast a spell on him.you can also get him through this contact if you are facing any love or marital probelm. dr takuta Email is via____
takutaspellalter@gmail.com or contact mobile contact +27788634102
i really want to thank DR TAKUTA a great spell caster from south africa. DR TAKUTA has helped me to reunite my marriage. My husband left me 3months ago and he packed out his property and went to stay with the other woman. now my lover is back after 48hrs when DR TAKUTA has cast a spell on him.you can also get him through this contact if you are facing any love or marital probelm. dr takuta Email is via____
takutaspellalter@gmail.com or contact mobile contact +27788634102
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
Hello my friends, I want you all to know that becoming a vampire is not ritual or spiritual, as all this imposter’s are saying here….Last year i was scam twice and i lost a lot of money, by all this imposter’s here…Thanks to Ghandourah Hasan who later make me vampire, which i later find out that becoming a vampire is not ritual or spiritual…You can contact Ghandourah Hasan for more info: ghandourahhasan1987@gmail.com and my name is Charlie
I completely trusted Dr Ben totally from the time I spoke with him during the period my husband Left me after 11 years of our marriage, He started the spell work on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to my feet in just 48 hours of the spell casting. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful spell caster to anybody who is in need of help.. E-mail; Drbenspellcaster@gmail.com Or add him up on whatapps; +2348151642717..
i already gave up on ever getting cured of HSV2 because i have try many treatment none of them work out for me i have go to different hospital they always tell me same thing there is no cure for herpes when i came across a post about Dr ohunyom, in the net from a lady called Angela i contacted him and he reassured me with him herbal medicine which i took according to the way he instructed, that how i was cured. I doubted at first because i have been to a whole lot of reputable doctors, tried a lot of medicines but none was able to cure me. so i decided to listen to him and he commenced treatment, and under two weeks i was totally fee from #Herpes. i want to say a very big thank you to DR ohunyom for what he has done in my life. feel free to leave him a message on email drohunyom@gmail.com and also WhatsApp him +2349060579973..
He can still be able to help you with this herbs medicine:
I want to let the world know about Doctor Osasu the Great spell caster that brought back my husband to me when i thought all hope was lost. Doctor Osasu used his powerful spell to put a smile on my face by bringing back my man with his spell, at first i thought i was dreaming when my husband came back to me on his knees begging me to forgive him and accept him back and even since then he loves me more than i ever expected so i made a vow to my self the i will let the World know about Doctor Osasu because he is a God on earth. Do you have problems in your relationship ? have your partner broke up with you and you still love and want him back ? Do you have problem with your finance ? or do you need help of any kind then contact Doctor Osasu today for i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you just as he helped me. Doctor Osasu email is: drosasu25@gmail.com or add him on whasapp +2347064365391
i want to testify about the great spell caster called Dr Azuka my husband and i have been married for 5 years now we don't have a child and the doctor told us i can't give birth because my womb have been damaged due to wrong drugs prescription this got me so worried and my husband was not happy so he decided to get married to another girl and divorce me i was so sad i told my friend about it she told me about a powerful spell caster she gave me his email address well i never believe in it that much though i just decided to give him a try and he told me it will take 24hrs to get my husband back to me and i will get pregnant i doubted him the 3rd day my husband came back to me and was crying he said he didn't want the divorce anymore 3 weeks after the doctor confirmed that i was pregnant he can also help you contact him via email: Dr.azukasolutionhome@gmail.com What’s app or call: +44 7520 636249
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover unemespellben@gmail.com
Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
EMAIL: unemespellben@gmail.com WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120
Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME
What a beautiful and wonderful testimony, sometimes things you don't believe can just happen. My name is Adams Vera, from U.S.A am 28 years old i got married at the age of 24 i have only one child and i was living happily. After three years of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange and i don't really understand what was going on, he packed out of the house to another woman i love him so much that i never dreamed of losing him, i try my possible best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail i cry and i cry seeking for help because i was heart broken until i coincidentally came across an online spell caster called Dr. Osasu , i contacted him and explained to him what i have been going through in my marriage and he gave me the full assurance that my husband will come back to me and my marriage will be restored, He told me what to do to get my husband back and i did, he said after 3days my husband will come back to me and start begging, it really happen it was so surprising and everything was just like a miracle, ever since my family have been living with so much happiness and our relationship was now very tight because of this great and powerful spell caster.he is a very great and powerful spell caster that can be trusted and there is nothing concerning life issues he cannot solve because i am a living testimony. i know there are so many people out there who are going through similar problems in one way or the other, believe me this is the right spell caster to contact and all your problems will be forgotten. contact Dr. Osasu viaWhatsapp: +2347064365391 Email:Account drosasu25@gmail.com
I completely trusted Dr Paul totally from the time I spoke with him during the period my husband Left me after 11 years of our marriage, He started the spell work on my husband, and gave me so much assurance and guaranteed me that he was going to bring my husband back to my feet in just 48 hours of the spell casting. I was so confident in his work and just as he said in the beginning, my husband is finally back to me again, yes he is back with all his hearts, Love, care, emotions and flowers and things are better now. I would have no hesitation to recommend this powerful spell caster to anybody who is in need of help.. E-mail; astoriashrine @ gmail com Or add him up on whatapps; +2349051441669..
I will forever be indebted to the great Doctor TAKUTA for fixing my broken marriage after my husband left me for his mistress for 3 months. I never believed in spells until my friend introduced me to him. At first, I was skeptical about him because I heard a lots about false spell casters but I put my doubts behind me for i was desperate to get my husband back and I did according to what he instructed me to do. Now my husband is back just within 48 hours of contacting him. I'm living happily with my husband again after months of divorce and I will not rest till he's known all over the world. He's also specialize in money spells, lottery spells, sickness spells E.T.C. Get connected with Doctor Takuta now, his email is takutaspellalter@gmail.com or WhatsApp on +27788634102
My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several huge fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, and he end up communicating with me over two months I was totally depressed until I found Dr. OKISIN number online and i seek for a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 24hours, I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. Dr. OKISIN whatsapp number.. +2348109374702 . or Via: dr.okisinsolutiontemple@gmail.com you can also reach him to reunite your marriage.
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
My name is Karina, I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email: Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
Ever since my husband got me divorced for the past 2 years, i v'e not been my self. I was reviewing some post of how i could get back my husband then, i saw a testimony shared by Marina Choas from SWEDEN about a spell caster named Dr. tunde. I contacted Marina Chaos to confirm about how Dr. tunde helped her and she clarified everything to me of how he helped her and that gave me the courage to get in touch with Dr. tunde for help. Dr. tunde assured me that my days of sorrows will be over within 48hours after he has finished with his work. I followed his instructions he gave to me because i had the believe, faith, hope and trust in him. Verily i say to you today that i and my husband are back together and i can proudly say and testify to the world of what Dr. tunde did for me. Contact him today via E-mail:(babatundesolutioncentre1@gmail.com) OR call him or whatsapp him +2348143581382 if you seek his help. Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE
Hello everyone , I was totally broken when the love of my life left me it was so hard for me and I almost gave up if not for a friend who directed me to a very good and powerful man called Dr Ralph who helped me bring back the love of my life and now he treat me with so much love and care. I don’t know what kind of problem you are passing through but with what he did for me I know he can help you. So try and talk to him on WhatsApp on: +2347037816417 Or email at: Ralphspellsolution@gmail.com. He has a permanent solution to any type of problems such as: Lottery Spell, Love Spell, Power Spell, Psychic reading, Success Spell, Cure of any sickness, Pregnancy Spell, Marriage Spell,Job Spell, Protection Spell,Win court Case Spell, Luck Spell and many more.
My name is Valary West.I'm from Canada, My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behaviour from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Psychic odumeje can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and i did it and he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband came to me and apologised for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. highly recommend Psychic odumeje, he is Powerful and really love spell caster. If you have any problem contact him and i guarantee you that he will help you. he will not disappoint you.Email: odumejetemple@gmail.com or call / whataspp +2349012479806
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr Ogedegbe on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr Ogedegbe today on this Email address: dr.ogedegbe6@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Number +2348109374702 .... he also has the cure for the following..............
HPV......ALS....COPD......HIV/AIDS.....HEPATITIS A,B,C.........
MY Name is luthor mariam, from, (USA) After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr irekenagba can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr irekenagba. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. irekenagba real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact
Call/WhatsApp: +2347059630655
Email: doctorirekenagba@gmail.com
MY Name is luthor mariam, from, (USA) After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr irekenagba can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a Love spell for me. 28 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and the kids. Then from that day,our Marriage was now stronger than how it were before, All thanks to Dr irekenagba. he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that Dr. irekenagba real and powerful spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact
Call/WhatsApp: +2347059630655
Email: doctorirekenagba@gmail.com
HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Hanna Rosin, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child, if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: drosasu25@gmail.com Or WhatsApp or call him now:
+2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B
Thank you so much for this article. I became aware my energy was being sucked out of me as I napped today so I visualized fighting off with a sword filled with light. A tentacle grabbed my arm (in my visualization) and I've never seen anything like that before. Thought maybe I was making it all up until I read this article and you perfectly described my encounter as well as my symptoms. Really can't thank you enough. ������ It was hard to find info about such spirits on the web.
My Dear friends online, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2 years ago, which led to our break up. I was not myself again, I felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worse. I cried all day, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too. His name is Dr jude. I chatted with the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before I knew what was happening, less than two days my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me. everythings happend the way Dr jude said it I was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that I am pregnant. Thanks to Doctor Okeke for saving my marriage and for also saving others' own too. Continue your good email address: writelovespell@gmail.com@ or lives chat on whatsapp +2348140443360
i will never ever in my life stop telling the whole entire world the great Job Dr. Abolo whose contact details is Abolospell@gmail.com did for me by making my relationship the best and the perfect one i wished for with his powerful love spell that works beyond human oh my goodness his spells is so effective and secondly there is know side effect and most importantly he is very legit what ever he says that is what he dose. now this was how meant with him that change my love life all of a sudden. I saw a comment here a few weeks ago about Dr Abolo and i decided to contact him as instructed, thanks to this man for bringing joy to me as wished for. i followed instructions which he gave in other to get my lover back who left me and the kids for 3years now, but thanks to Dr Abolo because they are back to me now for good and we are happy together. please do contact him for help too if in relationship problem via email at: ( Abolospell@gmail.com ) And testify for yourself.
Hello viewers, i am barbara , from USA, i want to use this opportunity to thank dr marsu for the great work he has done in my life.
I had a very big misunderstanding with my husband and he said he do no longer want me again that he needs a divorce, i was heart broken, i was diverstated, confused, i didn't know what to do until one faithful day i saw a testimony of someone testifying about what dr marsu has done for her i never believed in magic or spell but i had no choice, i decided to give it a try, so i contacted him via his email (drmarsuofficial@gmail.com) he told me what i need to do which i did and he promised me that within 48 hours my husband was going to contact me, i didn't believed it 100%, so the second day morning as i was preparing to go to work i had my phone ring and i went to pick it up i was surprise it was my husband calling, i answered and he started apologizing to me i forgave him and now he has turned a new live he stopped all the bad things he used to do, now he loves me more than he used to before.
You can also contact him if you are also passing through and kind of marital problem or relationship issues he is a very powerful spell caster and i believe he will help you too drmarsuofficial@gmail.com or you can also WhatsApp him on +2348052798385
All thanks 🙏 to BABA GOODMAN. For bringing me back to life!! I was going through difficulties and bad situations in my life... Before I came across some testimonies of a friend on (INSTAGRAM @SPELL_CASTER_FOR_LIVE) I didn't believe in till I was so desperate to give him a try?? Then I contacted his contact and wrote this Great Spell Caster to help me (BANISHED THE EVIL SPIRIT INSIDE OF MY BODY AND SOUL) and this Evil spirit inside me was really bad for me.... After I sent BABA MONEY for him to start work, he said after 48 hours I am going to be Heal. That’s how I was saved from this Evil spirit inside of me... you can reach out to BABA GOODMAN Via... his contact information ℹ️ *
WHATSAPP +2349157355281
(E-mail Address) Ifababalawospelltemple@gmail.com
WEBSITE: https://ifababalawospellte.wixsite.com/babagoodmanspellte-1
All thanks to Dr Otonokpo for restoring my Job and my lost money, I don't even know how to thank him enough.
My name is Michael Rainer from USA, I lost my job due to the outbreak of covid 19 and I was so helpless that I couldn't even know what to do and then I lost the little money I have left with me to some fraudster and I cried but no one could help. So when I narrated the story to my friend SANDRA CORDELIA she tried to calm me down and said there is someone that can help me regain all that I lost but I never believed her until she told me about Dr Otonokpo and she gave me his contacts and I contacted him, and he said I should not worry that everything will come back to me, after 2 weeks I was called back to resume work and the fraudster that ripped me off my money called to refund my money back to me.
I am very happy I met Dr Otonokpo, if you have any problem at all you can contact Dr Otonokpo if you also want your ex back, if you seek fruit of the womb, promotion in your work, protection from guns and cutlass through his email: otonokpotemple@gmail.com. WhatsApp: +2348114129781
can't believe that this man is so real, how can I thank you enough, I can't fail to testify about the good things you have been doing for me and now you still went ahead and do same for my friend, please everyone if you have anything disturbing you please your solution is hear with Dr.osupalagba the great spiritualist who can solve any problem in a twinkle of an eye. No matter the problems, whether spiritual problem, you want to get your ex back, promotion in your workplace, spiritual cleansing, fruit of the womb, mental illnesses, protection for gun, protection for cutlass, protection for bottle, protection for snake and scorpion bites and cure. Are you a victim of any of the above listed setbacks, you can contact Dr.osupalagbavia Email: osupalagba.temple@gmail.com
Call/WhatsApp +2347051667586
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