Feb 17, 2013

Snow and Ice magick

I dedicate this post to my dear friend Eissy , who intoduced me to the Jotun, and was
very inspirational and helpful in writing this post, many Blessings dear !
Judging by the cloudy Imbolc, and ephemeral flowers that already started blooming here ( Geraniums, Daisies , Buttercups…)  winter should not last longer than what is calendar-ly  due to it J  If You compare the winter snowfalls and  spring  sceneries, many will pick up the second, while the first will be described as cold, lifeless , bland. While this may be true from purely biological perspective,  snow filled fields are magickaly valuable and a great source  much like the colorful and vivid spring sceneries. And so is Ice. For  at the bottom line , snow is granulated ice.

So physically speaking snow is a precipitation that occurs, when the colder air front meets the low-pressure ( atmospheric ) systems ,while moving within or upward the system.  So the snowflakes, a frozen - water crystalline patters form and fall from the clouds.  

The very phenomenon is ever so magickal and enticing for me, and  it’s safe  to say many other people  in this world. Although taken for granted,  by people who are overly “grounded” and concerned with but most pragmatic life aspects ( such as work, money, and so on ) both snow and ice are terrible forces, that can affect life , and do affect life  on this planet greatly. From vegetation  and animal , to humans , we all adopt to the weather and the obstacles that it may put in front of us. 

Now which people always knew how to tap into nature, however ferocious and threatenin’, from time to time she gets , and use what she send s in their own advantage ? Witch people, indeed J  Living as  a practitioner means being resourceful, cunning and perceiving, grasping what nature sends our way, and using  it our benefit. So the snow and ice, that normally inhibit and cool , can be used to inhibit or cool something, even to make it vanish, or If need be hinder someone in particular, diminish and delay negative things  and many other.  Also attune to the spirits, creatures and even cultures that linger, dwell and persist in snow  wrapped areas, or in times of Winter.  Gives us chance to attune to Creatures such as Wendigo, Yuki – onna , Etin(s) and so on. 

Spirits of Snow and Ice

Here are some spirits associated with snow and ice, either by such surroundings  being their own habitat, birthplace,  or the mentioned elements are under their dominion

·         Snow Queen is  a  actually a fictional character in the Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale, but is certainly based  either on a single deity, or few Pagan deities that share similar characteristics.

“The snow-flakes grew larger and larger, till at last they looked just like great white fowls. Suddenly they flew on one side; the large sledge stopped, and the person who drove rose up. It was a lady; her cloak and cap were of snow. She was tall and of slender figure, and of a dazzling whiteness. It was the Snow Queen. “[1]   is a description given in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale “Snow Queen”

Most of the authors claim the character of  The Snow Queen to be based on the Norse Jotun deity Skadi,  which was considered a goddess* of winter .  She was said to have been a formidable warrior, hunter, and born in the house of Asgard.   If we look more carefully into Snow Queen’s psychology and even appearance, we will see that if infact she was based solely on the Skadi goddess of Norse, the “basing” was pretty loose, at best. Skadi , though  vindictive   and with strong temperament, was also reasonable and just when needed, and  had stoically fulfilled   her agreement to marry  someone chosen solely upon inspecting their feet.  All of which Snow Queen is not , she is cold, often emotionless, impassive ,  uninterested in romantic partner,  cruel without real need, and certainly  far from wearing huntress’ clothes . By temperament she resembles more the Slavic deity Morana – goddess of winter, death and snow, who enjoyed the  cruelty, puzzles, snow , ice and lifelessness, and was very bland in regards of emotions.  She reportedly wears long black robes,  with black cape, and sometimes has pitch black eyes, although of very fair appearance otherwise, with a pale snowy skin.

I think we can safely conclude that Snow Queen is more an embodiment of Winter, and possible mixture of various pagan deities associated with snow, rathe r than being simply based on a single Norse goddess. She’s also a skilled and powerful sorceress, who likes giving a touch of ice on everything she is able , and would love to see the whole world covered in snow and ice, if only she wa s able to do such.  She is beautiful and stylish, of firm , resistant, but still very admirable, classy and beautifu l  appearance, much like ice  and crystal.

·         Jotun ( or Etin/s ) are giants in Norse mythology, thought to precede Aesir deities, and sworn enemies of the same ( even though several Aesir deities consorts  are actually Jotun-ic ) who live in places wrapped in snow and ice, isolated, cruel and non- supportive of any physical living being survival.  Since these are often remote  freezing mountain tips, they are often described as “mountain spirits” as well. Here is a description of them, by a  respectable occult author: 


“Jotuns are wild, nocturnal beings identified with ice, stone and hailstorms” [2]  In modern  witchcraft, more so that based on Heathenry, they might be seen as Elementals of Ice ( Water ) sometimes even as Watchtowers of the North, such as in given example:

“…Inscribe in the air to Symbolic North a symbol of ice. Visualize an
ice elemental (rime-etin) positioned there and say:
Spirit and Power of the Snow,
King and Queen of the Rime-Etins,
Spirit of the Ice-Wand,
Defend and Witness this Rite,

Guard and Shield this Sacred Space,…” [3]

An online source though, states how Etins , are not the same as Jotus, furthermore, that the earlier are, unlike the latter, friendly to the  Heathen ruling deities . Same source later states: “Those inhabiting icy Niflheim were known as frost giants”  [4]

·         Yuki Onna , is a Japanese “bakemono” type of spirit,  that has great deal of power in controlling snow, ice, blizzards and snowflakes. It is regarded as  highly unfriendly,    ranging   to  extremely malevolent spirit depending on regional lore difference/s.  She is referred also as  “Lady of The Snow”, or  “Snow Princess”. She appears in midst of the raging snowstorms, wearing but a thin white kimono, or nothing at all sometimes , gliding over snow, as she misses feet, or even riding a large white snow wolf. Sometimes she will appear carrying a baby in her hand, which she seeks to be held  for a moment, by the people she meets stuck in the storm, which upon taking the baby in their hand become instantaneously  frozen. She may simply decide to freeze someone with her breath or conjure the amount of snowflakes that will suffocate and/or freeze the victim, if the extremely  strong cold winds don’t rip the victim apart prior to it. Occasionally, she is even said to enter  the dwellings and gives and icy kiss to those sleeping,  which is lethal,  though compared to her other methods of killing, rather  merciful.  She mostly reveals to those trapped in the snowstorms, and  has  become a part of both works of classic Japanese literature and popular fiction literature and media all over the world.  There are records that speak of her acts of mercy too, where she either spares someone life or even  help those lost in storms to find their way out, which is the opposite of what she normally does, misleads people so they get lost and die in the storm.

“More malevolent legends  sugges that Yuki Onna does not  appear just when it snows, she actually creates blizzards trapping  people in them” [5]

·         Windigo , also known as Wendigo, is a cannibalistic monster/spirit appearing in ( northern  ) Native American legends. The very name means: “evil spirit that devours mankind/humans”, which reflects Wendigo’s horrific  insatiable hunger for human flesh, which he so gladly consumes in great amounts. Judika Illes, in her brilliant work “Encyclopedia of Spirits”  clearly distinct spirit and human Windigo, the latter being  a human possessed with Windigo spirit or overtaken by same, often as a result of either human’s cannibalism or  , their misfortune to be struck with Wendigo fever, a curse that may either kill of turn into another Windigo. Windigo can allegedly be harmed or killed by using silver bullets or knifes, or “shattering it’s icy heart” [6]

I added Windigo to this list of spirits, as it’s among other things believed to  be accustomed to cold , snowy and icy  weather and environment. Also,   sudden and very strong snow storms  ( strange , unexpected ) are often believed to accompany them, and announce their arrival

“Since the Wendigo constantly hungers for human flesh, it wreaks destruction in its pursuit of its chosen prey. It crashes through the forests, all the while uprooting trees, causing game animals to stampede, and causing whirlwinds. The monster is often thought to be the cause of ice storms, tornadoes, and violent winds. All of these weather-related phenomena are believed to signal the Wendigo’s presence.” [7]

So not only that Windigos are not affected by cold, but they get their strength from in , in fact,  they are reputed to fear hot and  fire element in general.

“Windigos are spirit of ice, snow and winter” [8]   “Windigos experience the opposite of hibernation; they become more active during  winter. [9]

Various protective charms, even generic ones   are very efficient in  repelling  them, more so  If they are in spiritual form.

·         Morana   was the Slavic goddess of winter and death.  All the winter disasters, snow, and death were believed to come from her.  Three principal attributes associated with her were: death, snow and darkness [10]  She was feared, and unpopular among Slavic people, which was understandable considering  the circumstances  Slavic people were faced with in those times  ( they lived from agriculture mostly, climate was harsh and winters cold and long ) ,  which is to attribute for her notoriety really. Midelage Christian source ( “Mater Verborum”    )  compare Morana to Hecate and associate her with sorcery .   [11] She was seen as very tall and gracious,  extremely pale, with black hair,   embellished with crystal and icicles , which in some tales embellish her black  dress. Fangs and long icy fingernails ( in some stories even claws ) were the only things ruining her cold, but dazzling beauty. To me these things are quite resembling to the description of Hans  Christian Andersen’s  “Snow Queen”.  The opposed force of Morana, was Vesna, goddess of spring, fertility, vegetation, life and nature. Near the end of winter,  varying in exact date, among different groups of Slavic people, festivities were held   to celebrate the winter’s end, when Morana’s effigy was burnt at public ceremonies, ritually, in order to help the spring come faster.


·         Jack Frost , is a personification of the Winter,  frost, cold weather , possibly just being another  face of Old man Winter,  which was an  mythological character in England , based on  deity Wooden.  He is sometimes depicted as mischievous spirits,   though he is mostly seen as careless,  playful spirit that leaves frosty fern like looking patterns and shapes on windows in the morning.  Anyhow, Jack frost is another sprits with some power over  frost , snow and in some versions , ice   too

“Jack Frost is friendly but if provoked, he will kill his victims by covering them with snow.” [12]

Frost on the window
Some people associate them with Frost Thurses, which are essentially frost- Etin ( rime-Etin ) , as discussed earlier in  the article, but I personally don’t  see the connection, because for one Jack Frost is not an giant, nor  does his behavior or character resembles to those of Etin.

   ·         Cailleach and Granny Martha – Callieach ,   also known as the Cailleach Bheur , is a Celtic ( Irish, and  Scottish mostly )   deity,  or an chtonic ( possibly ancestral too  ) spirit , associated with Winter and excerting some sort of “dominion” over nature during  winter months from  Samhain to the Beltaine.  She “fights” arrival of the spring, and If she goes  out from her house on Imboloc to get  wood for  her  fireplace, it is said that the winter shall be long ( longer than due according to the calendar ) and severe. If Callieach does go out for the wood , the Imboloc will be sunny, hence  cloudy Imboloc, foretells swift Spring arrival.

“The Cailleach displays several traits befitting the personification of Winter: she herds deer, she fights Spring, and her staff freezes the ground” **

Granny Martha – is a Slavic, more precise Serbian and Montenegrin ( sometimes found in Bosnia and Croatia too ) folklore character, a sprit, of  cold and tricky  weather, which opposed to the natural climate of the given period. Namely late March, hence the name***  In most of the areas , it is believed that the  unpredictable spring climate and weather “incidents” that occur due to it , are to attribute to this sprit, who was once a human.  She was an old  lady that lived in the mountains, and one Marth she went , along with 40 lambs. Even though the weather had been fair for days, warm,  the  hasty and unpredictable side of it  was show, and a  terrible blizzard started entrapping the poor old lady and her lambs, freezing them to death. Though a terrible faith, it resulted In elevating the poor granny to a “higher” level of existence giving her certain authority and power over elements.  It’s believed ( here ) that ever since,   as of late March and forty  days onward , she causes weather swings, so You can have rain, wind, snow, warm and sunny all in one day. Don’t know If Granny Martha’s playing tricks or what, but indeed  ever after  15th of March, up to somewhere late April here,  the weather is terribly unpredictable and prone to abrupt changes.  Old folks   upon commenting on weather in late March often say ( even nowadays )  : “it’s Granny Martha , and her 40 lambs”.  That’s also why such weather is said to last for 40 days.

 The Symbolism and magickal power of snow and ice

Snow is mentioned around 23 times in Bible ,  mostly as a mean of comparison. In The Old Testament it’s pale white color is often compared to leprosy  symptoms, or as  another miracle Lord used to  communicate with his children,  for example, as stated in Job 37: 5-7, so that people may know his power too:

 5 “God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
he does great things beyond our understanding.
6 He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
7 So that everyone he has made may know his work,
he stops all people from their labor” [13]

Snow is also ( along with frost and ice ) regarded as powerful and formidable  weather to be feared, that can  be inflicted upon humans  as a punishment for their sins

   15 He sends his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.
16 He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?”  [14]

In David’s Psalm, as well as in New Testament snow is a symbol of purity and wool like tenderness , also a precipitation that feeds that Earth and thus enables fruitful yields . Clothes of Archangel that rolled back and  sat on the rock placed on Christ’s tomb place was described  to had appeared    as  an lightning,  with clothes white as snow (Matthew 28:2-4 )

17 Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.

18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the good things of the land; “ [15]

Ice is described as produced by G’d breath , that freezes  the waters,   much like the moisture with which the G’d   empowers the  clouds and cold winds he sends  , all  illustrating Lord’s dominion over elements and nature ( Job 37:9-11 )
Snow is in occultism created from  the interaction  of  two elements, being Water and Air,   so is ice , even   though some  authors  view ice  as  Water and   Earth combination,  due to its firmness, durability and crystalline   structure.  Snow embodies spiritual tranquility, serenity, purity as well as glamour.
Dreaming of snow is indicative of various things, depending on appearance of the  snow in our dream.  So, dreaming of the filthy snow indicates that the dreamer feels how some  aspect of their personality was tainted some way.  Dreaming of watching the snow fall is indicative of new chances, beginnings , peace and tranquility. Playing in the snow is indicative of chance, that  must be seized swiftly, before  it vanishes.  Dreaming of snow sceneries  implies that  the dreame r is inhibited in some way, or rather self-inhibited , locking up inside some emotions  that should be released, set free. It may also be  reflective  of personal frigidity,  possibly blandness of a kind too.   Discovering things in snow, finding items,   means You either have, or will soon tap onto some hidden potential of Yours, or talent, or skill.
Dreaming of snowstorm  suggest one feels left out, isolated , or shuts away on purpose , from other people. Snowflake  represents individualism , and chance ,  also success.

Ice  or  Nifl is one of  two primordial elements ( along with fire ) in Heathenry, that colliding with fire, caused creation in general, created Ymir, primordial Jotun, who was  frosty in nature.

Ice bears similar meaning in dreams, it’s indicative of  temporary lackage of ideas, thoughts  or can also be  sign that the dreamer is taking  unnecessary and hazardous risks. Falling through ice in dreams predicts emotional “crash” ( trauma , breakdown, stress, lack of control ), and dreaming of ice cubes can suggest self inhibition , as well as need to cool off, or control some excessive emotions , for example  unbalanced anger. Seeing someone frozen or in an ice cube indicates that You have reserved feelings and are closed to this person or vice versa. 

Now some examples, of snow and ice magick

Vanishing snow spell
The idea comes from Cunningham’s work on  Natural magick [16],   to use snow infused with something You wish to banish, vanquish or make disappear. The concept is simple, we transfer some  of the energy  of the condition to snow, then sprinkle it with salt. Such snow will act like an effigy in a way, and as it melts so will the negative condition.
So You need to get a bowl of snow, finely packed , full almost to the rim. Then when You take it inside , You are to place Your palms over it and say something along the lines:

The aches and pains, and habits bad,
Thoughts that make, one angry or sad,
Take now snow, within yourself
Absorb  impure, and bring me health

( adopt the words to Your need )
Then sprinkle half a handful of rock salt over it and say something along the lines:
Evil contained within the snow
You shall not thrive, You shall not grow
By my side You shall no longer dwell
This spell bids You forever farewell”

( again adopt by need this is merely my suggestion )

Let the snow melts, if need be You may evaporate any remaining, or pour  down the drains. Cunningham suggest  ritual like this to be done for 9 consecutive nights.

Hinder someone dangerous
Fashion a poppet  to represent the target. Name , “baptize” and consecrate the poppet, than place it outside just before snowfall or even better, blizzard. If there’s already some snow, make sure that the poppet protrudes at least  from waist above from snow. While placing it You may say something along  these lines ( various times ):

Snow and Ice, shall cross Your path
Keep You still, and of short breath

When You wish to release    the  person of the spell , simply remove the poppet from the snow, say : “I release You” and burn the poppet.

Cooling  and Uncrossing snow baths
This bath is used to reduce fever and lust, it’s a chastity bath. Take a bowl of snow and ad few drops of Lavender oil and Camphor or Coconut oil, and pray over it  to help You  cool You off and reduce fever,  or lust.  Then add it to the hot tab water and  bathe.
The following bath is used to remove and negate crossings, particularly hot footing and foot poisoning .

Add Hyssop leaves or Hyssop essential oil  to a bowl filled with fresh, clean white snow, and also add a piece of silver, preferably broken chain , although any Silver will do.  Pray over it, David’s Psalm  ( 51st ) then also 91st   , and Exodus  6:6-7  , Psalm 37th   ; 14-15 , and let it stay overnight. Next day add this to some vessel large enough to place Your feet in, add enough boiling water to which a pinch of blessed salt and spoon of Holy water was added ( enough to make a warm bath )  and place Your  feet in.  Soaking Your feet, or rubbing them say:
Lord, I  cry to You for help! Deliver me from wicked snares of evil people and evil spirits! From poison that comes through feet, or mouth, from fire caused by evil. Deliver me , oh Lord for I have no other refuge than You, and You are my Creator and my Savior. Make me as pure as new , fresh snow, which extinguishes fire of evil. And as the snow melts and vanishes with spring, may all evil sorceries, tricks, fascinations , poisons  vanish from me, and my house. Take  them away Lord and set me free, I implore You!  Have mercy upon me Lord, and save me from evil. Amen!”

Freezer Ice binding spell
This is a simple, popular binding spell, that requires little and does wonders, for preventing people from harming someone.
It’s no more than my personal variation of this  very popular spell, and it goes something like this J :
Saturn's kamea ( planetary
square )
On one side of the paper  draw Satun’s kamea . On the other side of the paper  write   the name of the person who You wish to bind or stop from harming You on a piece of paper, nine times , If You have some personal concern/s of the person or a photo, add that too. Place it on the bottom of some container. Then pour water over it, or  If the person is really  nasty, You may pour   Knotgrass infusion.  Place in the freezer, in the  frozen products compartment.

As long as   it remains frozen, You should be safe from the harm that person could devise towards Yourself, however, If   they pose threat no more, release them by placing the ice to melt outside ( I do it on the crossroads ) saying something along the lines:

I release You from this binding, with harm to none, and for benefit of all !”

 Cunningham’s Ice magick  Money spell
This is a spell by Sir Scott Cunningham, as given in his work “Earth, Air, Fire & water  , which I warmly recommend to read for anyone into Natural magick , and Elements magick.  It calls for materializing , conjuring power of the ice, with symbolically freezing money in some ice cubes which are latter used in bath. In essence this is a magickal bath. Here is the description of the spell in short, paraphrased:
For the spell You will need five  ice cubes tray ( one that makes them at least an inch square ),  five quarters or other smaller demonination depending on the type of currency used  where You live. And You are to place  one by one, in five cube forms.   Then , the reader is suggested  to place the hands , palms down over the ice cube tray and visualize money coming their way. Then  it’s left to freeze, inside or outside, depending on circumstances, and conditions.   When one is about to take a bath, they  are to remove the ice cubes from the tray, and place them in a bowl or  on a plate.  Removing the clothes ,  practitioner is suggested to sit before the tab, holding the cubes and saying:

Hot and cold,
Mix well for me,
Help me win
Prosperity” [17] 

Finally , the cubes are tossed into the  bathwater , and one bathes “absorbing” the transformative powers of ice and   luck and money drawing powers of the coins.

Preserving beauty spells
I came up with these simple spells, to  help preserve the beauty  and youthful appearance, evoking preserving and resistance qualities that ice naturally possess.
·         Make an infusion of the Lemon balm ( Melissa ) , Rosemary and Basil. Pour  the into an ice tray and use the ice when the moon is Waxing or better yet Full,  either in bath, or rub over parts of the body You wish to make more beautiful, If You can stand it.
·         Take a Rose that bloomed on Beltaine, preferably one that still retains morning dew, and is  whole, undamaged and beautiful. Place  it in some vessel, and pour some water over it, saying : As this Rose will remain whole and beautiful  in this ice, much longer that it’s  due, so shall I , through this charm retain power to remain young and beautiful. So mote it be!  Replace  each Beltaine.
·         Place some of Your personal concerns on a paper ( like nails and hair ) with Ouroboros symbol, and place it all on the bottom of some small container. Pour some Green blood of the Earth over it  and say :

Regenerate, refresh, then last for long
Beautiful body, and spirit strong
Resist the age, and   harsh of  time
Be always fair and always shine !

Let it freeze, and then left it frozen for one Lunar cycle, beginning and ending  on the Full Moon. Afterwards,   pour it all under some long lasting tree, such as Olive for example, or Pine.

Snow calling spell

Most of the weather spells are unpredictable, and snow “conjuring” spells even more,  If  for nothing else, then because of the fact that no one really needs snow. Rain may be necessity, or even stopping the rain  can, be so can invoking and banishing the winds,  but when it comes to snow,  there is no real need for it.  However If You decided You still  want to try and invoke the snow,  try this simple ritual:
Prepare a small Jade or Ametrine  crystal ( If neither are available, You may try with Quartz ) and inscribe it with following runes:

Laguz, Hagalaz, Isa ( If You feel so inclined You can use Hagalaz alone )
You can combine them into a bindrune If  You are skilled in such.

Example of possible bindrune to be used in this spell

Take a small glass bowl , or alternatively dig a small hole in the Earth.   Fill it with water, and You may add some ice scrapes, or ice cubes. Now Hold the stone in Your hand ,  picture the snow falling, extended  the hand  towards the  sky while saying:

Cold and white,  though soft as wool
Snow I need,  now here to fall
Sylphs and Undines, Air and Water
Hear my plea, and converse together,
Raise the water and air, then release them low
Make them cover land in ( the ) form of snow      !

Then place the crystal in the water. Remove  after awhile , and pour the water on  earth, or if it was in the hole, sprinkle some around.
Hope this was an interesting read, many blessing , Shadow :)

NOTES: This  article was written and composed by me, so If  You wish to use any part of it eslwhere online, feel free, but add credits  ; Shadow of Shadow's magick place, Shadow-333@hotmail.com or a direct link to this post.
[1] The description of the Snow Queen is  retrieved from : http://www.online-literature.com/hans_christian_andersen/972/
[2]  Quoted from Judika Illes’ “The Encyclopedia of Spirits”  ( 532nd page )
[3]Excerpt  from Norse elemental calling spell, retrieved from : http://www.ladyoftheearth.com/elements/calling-norse.txt
[4] According to:  Etins , in Norse mythology dictionary;  http://www.terrapsych.com/gods2.html
[5] Same as under [2], from  page 1026th here
[6] According   to http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Wendigo
[7] Quoted from the source given  under [6], for explanatory and  illustrative purpose here, no ill will 
[8] Source as under [2] , page  1009th
[9] Source as under [2] , page 1010th
[10] According to “Slovenska mitologija” (  transl. “Slavic mythology” )  , 65th page, by Nenad Gajic , publisher Laguna, 2011th
[11] as stated on here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marzanna
[12] Quoted from :

[13]  Retrieved from : http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+37:5-7&version=NIV
[14]  Retrieved from : http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+147:15-17&version=NIV
[15]   Retrieved from: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+1:17-19&version=NIV
[16] Cunningham Scott, “Earth, Air, Fire,    & Water”, Llewellyn publications, Woodbury , Minnesota
[17] Cunningham Scott, “Earth, Air, Fire, & Water” page 132nd  , Llewellyn publications, Woodbury , Minnesota
IMAGE CREDITS: Winter's landscape depicted at the  top ( begining  ) of the article is a generic image that came with my cellphone, and alas I have no idea who to credit, but all credits to the creator , of course. It was used here for illustrative and explanatory purposes without ill will.  Winter Queen image is  a photography depicting part of illustration from a very old, Croatian edition,  of collection of Fairytales, consisting of four volumes. The edition is older than  40 ages, and was never repreinted ( it was a single edition ), and the photography shows  just a section of image, which  is  edited by myself, and used here  without any ill will.
 Frosty window  ( illustrating Jack Frost   entry and description ) Image : http://claudiarohling.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/06_011_4.jpg  ; Saturn’s square image: http://altreligion.about.com/od/westernocculttradition/ig/Planetary-Magical-Squares/Magic-Square-of-Saturn.htm Both used for illustrative and explanatory purposes  , and without ill will
The Bindrune image , with explanation is my own work

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